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  1. Starting tomorrow, @sarah_crown, @justine_jordan and I will tweet titles that narrowly missed Guardian first book prize longlist #books
  2. Powerful David Grossman interview by Jonathan Freedland http://bit.ly/d0dnZA
  3. @readysteadybook @@john_self Ok so will "meditation" do? No criticism intended. I like rants and polemics (+ the m word is twice as long)
  4. Moving desks today. Adult equivalent of finding fluffy sweets at the bottom of satchel: lots of scuffed proofs + some literary lollipops
  5. @john_self @readysteadybook Point taken. Dangerous word "rant" but so tempting, twitterwise. "Polemic" bust my letter count.
  6. Booker longlisted Tom McCarthy joins debate on Josipovici's Modernism rant @guardianreview . It began here: http://bit.ly/cWc2F7 #books
  7. Good letters @guardianreview tomorrow about 2nd world war poetry and Daniel Swift's Bomber County. See also http://bit.ly/b40dmu #books
  8. "Too many emotive adjectives + he could do with taking a red pen to his adverbs also" Adrian Mole reviews Tony Blair @guardianreview #books
  9. Hve spent hours trying to explain my gripes abt editing without insulting all involved with Guardian prize longlist. @guardianreview Sat.
  10. Editing incendiary review of Geoffrey Robertson's book abt the Pope and human rights. Sent it to lawyers. Verdict:" The Pope doesn't sue".
  11. Blair manages to make disquisition on "mistake" of letting Brown in as his successor into eulogy of Michael Heseltine.
  12. @NewWritingNorth Of course you could see the whole of Room as an allegory of pregnancy (down to the rotten teeth!)
  13. @NewWritingNorth The killer punch for me was that escape inevitably destroys the safe haven of Ma for J, even as it is setting her free,
  14. Just finished Emma Donoghue's Room. Don't know when I last read a novel that made me feel so weird. Kept bumping into things this morning
  15. Leafing through Blair book. Sticky red bookmark fell off somehere btwn page about spin and icecreams and one about Bush and Africa....
  16. @roomynaqvy Am now following you, but wary abt adding too many. As Jack from Emma Donoghue's Room might say, too much persons make squeazy
  17. Interesting piece from Stephen Guise about the problems facing commissioning editors http://bit.ly/baQlR8 Any thoughts? #books
  18. @nosycrow : There 's quite a widespread tendency to use inappropriate metaphor in dialogue , which seems to me a mark of inexperience#books.
  19. I've discovered some wonderful books - more than could fit on first book longlist - but am frustrated by the standard of editing #books
  20. I'm back from twitter purdah with longlist for Gdn first book awd. ttp://http://bit.ly/bxSrTa