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  1. The main problem with subconscious thought processes is that they're.. well... *sub* conscious. You're not really aware of them.
  2. @dave_chiv Warms the heart to hear it though, right?
  3. @mrcivlib Why does that look like someone's traced over Woody and Buzz Lightyear?
  4. I'm addicted. So, duh, my subconscious is going to tell me I want it. Easily fooled. This is why it's lost voting privileges.
  5. .... then recognising what's your subconscious being a moron and what's your conscious, rational mind.
  6. Stopping smoking is a simple question of realising your subconscious mind cannot be trusted with life or death issues.
  7. Nope, feeling okay again now. Mind you, this week has been awful. Got nothing done. Still, tomorrow things start getting easier, not harder.
  8. @Pam_Nash You really did a 10k? And started again? *cry* Well, I can't complain. Stopped for year and a half once. :S
  9. @AlJahom You call it tax engineering. I call it exploitation. ;) Just would rather be a non-smoker.
  10. @Pam_Nash Damn. Yeah, fucking subconscious never ever forgets. All it takes is for you to forget your subconscious is a moron...
  11. @AlJahom Actually makes me all the more happy that I'm no longer paying a penny more tax than I have to.
  12. @Pam_Nash Yes. I sort of stopped on Monday and have just carried on. Every time I last 3 days I usually last another 6 months.
  13. I think David Miliband should stop pretending he walks when everyone knows he flies around on a little green hovering dish.
  14. Agh!! THIS WEEK! David Miliband on the sofa with Portillo! SQUIRRELS MUST DIE!
  15. @AlJahom Yeah that's been a problem in the past, but now joints give me massive panic attacks. Nothing stopping me now.
  16. Hmm. It's urge to commit Squirrelcide has passed for now. Just so long as I don't accidentally watch any This Week.
  17. I'm having another go at stopping smoking. Doing better this time. 3rd day. Was fine until BBC QT. Now I want to kill a squirrel.
  18. No-one cares who's going to pay. Just tell them, "the rich" and people will be happy with that. Don't tell them that minimum wage is 'rich'
  19. Want to be a popular politician? Just never say No to anything. Just say Yes. Nod your head, smile, be everyone's friend. Easy.
  20. BBCQT is driving me insane. Politics is AWFUL.