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  1. @graham_hayday @KathViner it could have been revenge for using disinterested when we meant uninterested...
  2. @halfbear I am on the newsdesk today and am tweet-whoring!
  3. Rio Ferdinand out of World Cup: @guardian_sport report: http://bit.ly/aUNSVH
  4. Guardian exclusive: Rio Ferdinand out of the World Cup due to knee injury... more soon from @guardian_sport
  5. Brillianit! >> RT @leasko: @jon_melville @MatthewWells Yes, Optimum are releasing it in the summer – watch this space!
  6. Anyone know if the new print of A bout de souffle, released in the US, is going to be shown in the UK?
  7. Here's this week's Media Talk with @dansabbagh and Paul Robinson, incl David Laws, World Cup and eurovision http://tinyurl.com/3xgmh3r
  8. Ooh and we have a video interview with Karen Gillan (and Richard Curtis) with #doctorwho clips http://bit.ly/cwHniy
  9. The government's COINS huge database of Treasury spending is published today. We are all over it... http://bit.ly/bXKzeG
  10. Stokey news: Hackney to plough on with wind turbine plan despite Olympic decision to scrap neighbouring scheme http://bit.ly/9XD1sC
  11. @New_TheTimes And I can't get into sites - despite registering, I keep getitng bounced to the registration page. Deeply frustrating.
  12. @New_TheTimes The flash advert is terrible. It's like you are determined to stop people signing up.
  13. @currybet that's what I was thinking...
  14. Has anyone seen what the Times has done with their front page? Click on timesonline.co.uk ...
  15. @KathViner thanks for the promo Kath!
  16. @Breenmedia I know it's terrible. Have you seen the A Massie piece in the New Statesman? sums him up brilliantly
  17. @georgiebuns Ha. Very much generosity.
  18. @MattTempest I know, I visited him in Ireland a couple of years ago and drank his wine cellar dry. Is there a pattern here?! Still, 49.
  19. Just caught the terrible news that Alan Ruddock, my old Scotsman editor who sent me to London knowing I'd probably end up leaving, has died
  20. @GerryCassidy The song or the Swedish points boy?!