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The Guardian: Weekend

Saturday 17 July 2010

    Starters p6

  • Weekend readers' pictures: British summer

    British beach in the rain Gallery Gallery (10 pictures):

    Your best photographs on this week's theme

  • Your letters

    Hands writing letters 140 Natascha McElhone's story of bereavement both inspired and irritated. Plus reaction to rejection letters, the new BMW and last week's correspondence

    Starters p8

  • Q&A: Keeley Hawes

    Keeley Hawes 'I'd edit out the night my phone rang my mother when I was discussing something rude'

    Starters p10

  • Experience: I'm proud my mother left me

    Michele Gorman Michele Gorman: 'It was her family's reaction that left the deepest scars. Mothers do not leave their children, they told her with their silence'

    Features p14

  • Joe Sacco: Not in my country

    The Unwanted: Joe Sacco trail Interactive Interactive:

    For African migrants trying to reach Europe, Malta is directly in their path. Joe Sacco observes their treatment in his homeland

    Features p38

  • What do women get up to online?


    UK housewives spend 47% of their leisure time on the internet – and it's not all cosy, mumsy surfing. Zoe Williams reports

    Fashion and beauty p49

  • Alexis Petridis: Two steps forward…

    Alexis Petridis: sandals Let's hear it for men's sandals. Yes, really
  • How to dress: Clutch control

    Jess Cartner-Morley: clutch bags

    You cannot hold a clutch bag and have fun at the same time. So what's the alternative, wonders Jess Cartner-Morley

  • The Measure

    False eyelashes

    In the sun: K-Stew's minis, disco ball pendants, caramel & almonds Magnum. In the shade: False eyelashes, first names

    Food and drink p55

  • Wine: Cave de Saumur

    Wine corks Victoria Moore finds a near-miracle in the caverns of the Loire

    Food and drink p58

  • Restaurant: The Pump House, Bristol

    Pump House

    There's nothing wrong in celebrating the provenance of your ingredients, so long as they come up to snuff. And those at the Pump House clearly do, reckons Matthew Fort

    Body & mind p63

  • Shazia Mirza: Diary of a disappointing daughter

    Shazia Mirza

    My parents know about the lives their children lead, but they don't really understand what this entails – take their reaction when I went to a music festival the other week…

  • Blind date

    Blind date: Lance Curran, Jo Garnier

    Will love get a look-in when Lance Curran, 27, film-maker, meets Jo Garnier, 24, photograph researcher?

    Back p78

  • Lucy Mangan: The sound of the suburbs

    Ipods in the Park

    I have found those who listen to music in public most difficult to come to terms with, and it's a losing battle. If you can't beat them…

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