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Politics Weekly: Michael Gove's grovelling apology and Nick Clegg's reform gamble

The education secretary says sorry for errors on school budget cuts; how the civil service is coping with coalition and Nick Clegg's plan to change the voting system in this week's show with Michael White, Julian Glover and Rafael Behr

Education secretary Michael Gove was forced to admit to the House of Commons that there were numerous errors in a list of school building projects supplied by his department.

Michael White, Julian Glover and Rafael Behr discuss how important Gove is to David Cameron and how damaging the incident could be.

Meanwhile, as the public sector faces huge cuts and reductions in terms and conditions, Dr Jon Davis, an expert on Whitehall at Queen Mary University, assesses the current relationship between the coalition and the civil service.

And as Nick Clegg fleshes out his plans for electoral reform including a re-drawing of constituency boundaries and a change to the voting system we discuss how big a gamble it could turn out to be for the deputy prime minister.

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  • spanows spanows

    8 Jul 2010, 8:34PM

    Labour didn't give a single apology in 13 years, wow, they must have been brilliant, right?

    Gove took the heat for civil servants eff-up. Brown or [insert name of any Labour MP] would have just said "it wasn't me". There is talk that these goofs are intentional. I hope Labour sleepers are revealed and kicked out.

  • Smerdjakov Smerdjakov

    9 Jul 2010, 7:16AM

    Always good fun when both Julian Glover and Michael White are on. They're obviously alligned to slightly different parts of the political spectrum and a little antagonistic, but their approaches are also quite different. Glover the political 'scientist' - White more interested in ideas and history.

    Classic moment when Glover interrupts White - who is picking his way through 'Yes Minister', Google and the role of 'markets' - with an unjustified 'let's get back to the issue' complaint and then proceeds to say that the Mandarins are co-operating much better with their new 'Coalition' minister after 13 years of having to deal with the other lot. 'Oh' says White - I paraphase a little - that's because Mandrins love nothing better for breakfast than inexperienced and impressionable young virgins. After that Glover seemed relieved to move and discuss what the polls are saying.

  • RedRush RedRush

    9 Jul 2010, 9:58AM

    Gove should also explain why has not asked the National Audit Office to review the BSF programme, instead he has appointed Sebastian James former schoolbuddy of the Prime Minister, Boris and others to carry out the review.

  • battersea1 battersea1

    9 Jul 2010, 4:03PM

    Cameron is at Cornwall today and he was asked the question why these schools have been cut his reply was( it was labour they left us know choice they had planned 1/2 the Capital budget was to be cut this includes Police NHS Education
    He then said ,well 1400 schools cut by half leaves 700 schools will go ahead we had to be transparent

    He really thinks we are stupid 1/2 just from Education idiot transparent when ,were,

    This guy loves his own voice and is a carbon copy of Thatcher


    9 Jul 2010, 4:16PM

    It is a good thing that these lets throw money down the drain projects are getting pulled. Labour used PFI (Private finance initiatives) to hide massive spending as they don't appear on the book for decades. These projects were not on time were not value for money and were a good way of wasting tax payers money to overpaid construction companies. Also why does everyone in schools need a computer why can't pupils share? A lot of money has been wasted on stuff like white boards in classes what wrong with blackboards (They are better for the environment).

  • ukgringo ukgringo

    9 Jul 2010, 7:42PM

    "labour's mess, labour's mess, labour's mess...."

    Doesn't matter how many times you say it, I have zero doubt that we would be in the same, if not worse position right now if the Conservatives had been in power during that period.

    Labour followed a route any of us would have followed, and we've learned a tough lesson. Let's stop crying the blame game and just get on with getting it right next time!!

    PS I am NOT a Labour voter!!!!!

  • sam007 sam007

    9 Jul 2010, 11:19PM

    Come on now,you didn,t really think "free schools" were free,did you?
    A bit of bad news for Mr Clegg, your conference this season is being held at......Liverpool.
    I,m sure he,ll get a right royal welcome from councillor Warren Bradley,Perhaps he could bring his new best friend Dave along and make it a real good old scouse knees up

  • Testyfly Testyfly

    10 Jul 2010, 9:24AM

    Lets not forget that we nearly didn't get an apology at all.
    Mr Gove was dragged to the despatch box kicking and screaming. Several attempts were made to hide behind civil servants and indeed Mr Gove thought a letter would surfice. He also made a shambolic statement in the house where he knew he was being less than helpfull and down right evaisive.
    He made accusations regarding the funding of the Labour adiministration which were not true and tried to perpetuate the lie to defend his plan.
    This whole affair is truely disgraceful. To top everything Mr Gove has an attitude at the dispatch box very unbecoming of a minister, the distain with which he treats the members and the house is shocking.
    My mother would have slapped his face raw had he spoken to her the way he speaks to other members.
    An ideologue who has no sense of care duty or compassion...dogma for personal gain.
    He has extreme difficulty in forming or hold an balanced argument without resorting to low underhand smears.
    This minister is unworthy of the position he holds....the sooner he goes the better, he is a serial offender.

  • fritjof fritjof

    10 Jul 2010, 1:25PM

    I still find it difficult to accept the close relationship between the Tories and Lib. Dems. How on earth have basically decent, principled people allowed themselves to be clasped to to the bossom of the 'Nasty Party'supporting policies which favour the better off at the expense of the poor? Someone ought to have reminded them that supping with the devil should be predicated on the employtment of a long spoon.

  • tobymiller69 tobymiller69

    10 Jul 2010, 7:07PM

    It would be great to have the paper hire some linguists to look at the patterns of interruption on your podcasts--both in gender terms and, especially on this podcast, what happens when Julian Glover is required to listen for a few seconds to a position that differs from his

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