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Cut off before their prime

In football, age matters little – only winning and losing count. Why can't it be the same for politicians?

Somehow the logic doesn't fit. We're supposed to keep working longer, toiling for a pension coming ever later in ever smaller packages. But who tells us to keep gnarled noses close to the grindstone? Why, politicians who'll be here today and gone tomorrow. Take the debate around the great debacle of the day, a tale of woe that drowns out Kabul, BP and even the cuts. So Fabio Capello stays hired – not fired? Good idea, or bad? Capello is 64. By Brazil 2014 he'll be 68, and past even David Cameron's quitting limit. But age seems to play no part in this argument. It's winning and losing that matter.

Yet surely, you say, there ought to be some general parallels here. Football managers and government ministers both have high stress, high pressure jobs. They are judged most brutally by results. So they both need the wisdom of years to survive, an inner confidence built of a hundred crises that were also learning experiences.

Take Roy Hodgson, the manager of the year just moving from Fulham to Liverpool. He's 62. He's had 15 coaching jobs in 34 years. He's a master much hailed, because he's old and wise.

The Guardian's Kevin McCarra noted the other day that Brazil's doomed Dunga, at 46, was the youngest manager of the World Cup's last eight. A quick canter round the Premier League's finest makes exactly the same point. Sir Alex Ferguson, 69. Arsène Wenger, 61. Harry Redknapp, 63. Youthful success is Carlo Ancelotti at Chelsea, 51.

Work out a Premier League average age and it's 49. This world is full of late middle-aged men. The stress may be awful, but it's what keeps them going. Westminster, by contrast, is full of youthful hope and mid-life disappointment. With a little help from Ken Clarke, 70, and Vince Cable, 67, you can just about edge the cabinet's average age a year or two over 50. But the political Premier League posts have gone to Dave, 43, and Nick, 43, with George, 39, and old William, 49, standing in line. The future is Michael Gove, 42, Jeremy Hunt, 43, and Danny Alexander, 38. If they were in football management, all they would be offered would be West Brom or Wigan.

In sum, as a beaming Hodgson heads for Anfield and the crowning test of a career, political lives become even more nasty and brutish. Experience seems despised, and in chronically short supply. Labour fields a succession of Gordon Brown substitutes in their early 40s who all seem to have the same tailor. Why not call for Alistair Darling, 56, who still get rounds of applause at City dinners for doing his own thing? Why not add a small helping of heft to the team rather than another cruel round of early baths?

In the coalition corner, Sir Menzies Campbell, 69, could have given the Scottish Office something Michael Moore, 44, lacks: name and reputation recognition that keeps Scotland's future on southern agendas. Why leave performers like this on the bench when the supposed stars of tomorrow shine rather dimly as yet? There isn't even a point of principle at stake. Sir George Young, 68, can be asked to lead the House if no one younger comes to mind. Peep over Hague's shoulder at the Foreign Office and you may see a lanky minister of state standing behind: Baron Howell of Guildford, once of energy and transport, but back in business at 74. Whoever decreed 45 or so is the make-or-break age of a political career? Whoever assumes the last few decades of a political life should be spent doing nothing much beyond remembering – and writing unreadable memoirs?

Simple reality – not to say fairness – dictates something better. Habit cuts off too many of our masters before their prime. Watch the clouds of forgetfulness gather soon around Gordon Brown, 59. Unless, that is, Mohamed Al Fayed would like him to manage Fulham.

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  • pietroilpittore pietroilpittore

    4 Jul 2010, 9:39PM

    government ministers ... need the wisdom of years to survive, an inner confidence built of a hundred crises that were also learning experiences.

    Rules out Gordon Brown, then, doesn't it?

  • PeleMcAmble PeleMcAmble

    4 Jul 2010, 9:45PM

    Peter - you don't mention journalists and ex editors of national newspapers who just seem to go on and on.

    We could certainly do with some fresh blood at the Guardian and Observer given their editorial policy to support the despicable Lib Dems at the last election. I fear that without it, both papers, which I have loyally supported for many years, will go the same way as the Lib Dems.... that's to oblivion

  • donalpain donalpain

    4 Jul 2010, 9:52PM

    Experience counts. Is that the message.?
    Age equals maturity. Is that another?
    Both these axioms apply to politicians. Is that it?
    How many assumptions did you have to make for this to be true?
    Here's a clue. Too many.
    How old are you?

  • stevehill stevehill

    4 Jul 2010, 10:02PM

    Contributor Contributor

    Can't make any sense of this at all. So there are some jobs in football for talented people who are younger than the normal retirement age of 65 (or is it 66 this week?). Probably some amiable old duffers manning the turnstiles too.

    But, to the limited extent I pretend to understand the game, the people who deliver the goods - goal-scoring sort of goods - tend to be quite young.

    An, um, we have out of 650 MPs some who are older and some who are younger. So wisdom and experience and some fresh ideas. Because that's who we elected.

    This onslaught of revelations is making my head hurt.

    Is there some personal agenda here involving planned job cuts at the Graun?

  • OriginalResonance OriginalResonance

    4 Jul 2010, 10:36PM

    Politics is not about winning or losing. For to emerge victorious, one would have to display certain superior qualities. Pandering to the irrational whims of the masses isn't one of them. After all, the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

  • VforVintage VforVintage

    4 Jul 2010, 10:51PM

    In the Golden Triangle of Football , Politics and Media, there are no 'losers' only well paid 'winners. Peter Preston, a nice chap retires but still works for a nice Guardian fee. That chap Andrew Marr, sacked as an editor gets a TV show. Portillo gets well beaten, ends up working for the BBC ( £36,000 just for an hour on a couch with Abott!) Lempik wants media work and the Lord Mayorship of London!. Piers Morgan, dodgy editor, now ubiquitous TV pundit. Benitez, took Liverpool out of big four, so give him the European Champions to run, and lets not even mention our Swedish dedicated loser...Sven! Most of the losing Labour Party are still in Parliament claiming good wages, pensions, expenses and less work. So Peter, in the real world in which the rest of us live , failure at any age equals the sack, in the Golden Triangle it's all move on to the next better paid job. Its Snakes and Ladders, but with lots of snakes running up the Ladders.

  • OriginalResonance OriginalResonance

    4 Jul 2010, 11:00PM

    It's administrators and clueless club owners that pick the coaches. It's the ignorant masses that elect the politicians. As for the media, it's the same as in every other industry: experience takes precedence over quality for it's much easier to spot the former than the latter.

  • insertfunnyusername insertfunnyusername

    4 Jul 2010, 11:08PM

    ARGGH. Fdssdfdsdsfsdfsadfadsfas

    Just because the world cup is reaching its climax, doesn't mean every writer on the Guardian has to come out with an extremely forced article that attempts to link football to other things.

  • donalpain donalpain

    4 Jul 2010, 11:21PM

    4 Jul 2010, 10:51PM

    Portillo gets well beaten, ends up working for the BBC ( £36,000 just for an hour on a couch with Abott!)

    Christ! Is that all he gets? For sitting on a sofa with her? Wonder what his bonus is? No! Surely not!

  • heverale heverale

    5 Jul 2010, 2:00AM

    It's a combination of factors.

    One of the reasons, is baggage. Older people who may have already held higher office, may well have baggage which either turns the electorate against them, or some in their own party. If you are in the firing line, it's hard to avoid making unpopular decisions, or conspicuous mistakes.

    Younger people, not so much. Who really knows much about Cameron or Osborne? It's like Blair and Brown in '97. But NOW, of course, people would feel very different about Blair and Brown. You can see this in various careers, not just politics. People passed over by youngsters with no baggage. Yet.

    But it's also the lack of opportunity. In football, a manager who fails can rebuild his career at any number of clubs. There aren't many opportunities to do that in politics. You can't flit between parties the way you can between clubs, even moving abroad to try and rebuild (McLaren). Well, maybe Vince is setting himself up for yet another flit, but in the main...

    Same in the media. Lots of opportunities for other angles. As for why so many are roughly the same age, it's partly who they know and feel comfortable with.

  • LtSlick LtSlick

    5 Jul 2010, 9:52AM

    Ken Clarke = 70
    Vince Cable = 67

    They're in the Government.

    you could also raise the following

    Paddy Ashdown, 69.
    Hywel Francis, 64
    Frank Doran , 69
    Richard Charles Scrimgeour Shepherd, 68

    turns out the House isn't full of children afterall.


    5 Jul 2010, 5:27PM

    Politics, alas, is precisely about winning and losing, and in an election, not in performance - and relating to youf voters (anyone under say 45) - hence the oldies get the jobs that require nous, and the presidential leader jobs go to the central casting clones.

  • Algebraist Algebraist

    6 Jul 2010, 12:13AM

    pietrollpitore - cheap shot. Tory troll.

    Personally, I think you need to keep as much experience as you can in advisory roles. All that tacit knoweldge going to waste is no good to anyone.

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