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Welcome to the July 2 edition

The many sides of the world economy: fear of the double dip; worries about rare metals; happy millionaires; a surplus of cigars

We've a strong focus on economics this week, unsurprising perhaps as the world starts to get seriously worried again about the possibility of a double-dip recession.

In our lead story we go to the Guardian's economics editor Larry Elliott for an analysis of the G20 summit: he concludes that it might take a further crisis to make the organisation pull together, and considers how that might unfold. Not comfortable reading, but containing tips on what to look out for.

We're looking behind the issues of immediate finance with our sister paper Le Monde, covering a European report on likely shortages of rare metals essential for modern technological items. Indium is used in flat screen televisions, and the estimate is that by 2030 we;ll need three times as much as was produced in 2030. Can it be long before we start mining the rubbish tops full of all those valuable substances we've been carelessly discarding over the past few decades?

But from Canada there's some relatively good news. Its economy is in relatively good shape, it seems, because bankers have retained "old-fashioned" rules that "keep people out of homes unless they can afford them".

And good news for a very, very small number of people - we learn that the number of millionaires in the world (defined as those with more than $1m in free cash) is back to the level seen before the banking crisis. That should be good news for Cuban cigars - exports have plummetted two thirds in the past three years.

I hope you enjoy this week's edition, and that you're enjoying seeing our letters to the editor and Notes & Queries online.

Quote of the week: "An Indian MP receives a constant stream of visitors to his house. Each of them has to be offered tea. The present level of salaries is barely enough to cover the tea bill for a week."

Fact of the week: China controls 95% of the global production of rare earths – a group of 17 elements that are equally essential to the development of hybrid vehicles as to the super-alloys deployed in aviation.

Subscribers can now read this digital edition online. You'll find we've added some new features this week. There's a new "homepage" button that will take you back to the Guardian Weekly website, and a "my Guardian Weekly" button that provides details about your subscription.

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