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The Guardian: G2

Tuesday 6 July 2010

    Comment & features p8

  • 10:10 honour roll

    University College London hospital We name the organisations who are doing their bit to cut carbon emissions … and explain how they're doing it

    Comment & features p9

  • My 10:10 confession

    Patrick Barkham I pledged not to buy new clothes for a year, but I have to admit to slipping up. Just the once

    Comment & features p13

  • The view from a broad

    How Anna Chapman became a Bond girl | Poor pay for female graduates | Liza Minnelli's fashion advice

    Comment & features p14

  • The gout myth

    patrick weir gout health Gout is agony, it's on the increase – and you don't have to binge like Henry VIII to get it, writes sufferer Patrick Weir

    Arts p19

  • Call that a change of direction?

    Tom Jones Performs in Prague Tom Jones has horrified his label by releasing an album of spiritual songs. That's nothing compared to pop's greatest u-turns, writes Tim Jonze

    Arts p22

  • Catherine O'Flynn: brutal truths

    Catherine O'Flynn in central Birmingham Her debut novel about a missing child won the Costa. Now Catherine O'Flynn has turned her eye on Birmingham's 'thuggish' architecture, writes Susanna Rustin

    Puzzles and cartoon p32

  • Sudoku 1,606 medium

    Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9

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