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  1. If you think my blog is not complete rubbish, you could consider voting for it in the Total Politics poll. More here - http://bit.ly/9hAiLk
  2. Labour peer accuses Cameron of 'scaremongering propaganda effort which Goebbels would have been proud of' re crime - http://bit.ly/dhYUfs
  3. CPS will be able to block private prosecutions in England and Wales for war crimes, Ken Clarke announces http://bit.ly/aGldOo
  4. @samsondada Thanks.
  5. Equitable Life compensation announcement coming today, around lunchtime. http://bit.ly/dhYUfs
  6. @wdjstraw Thanks
  7. Politics live blog - Thursday 22 July http://bit.ly/b0wGD9
  8. Anyone read any good articles in the US press/blogosphere about David Cameron's visit to Washington/New York? If so, can u post a link? Tks
  9. Nick Clegg under pressure after Commons gaffes http://bit.ly/9e0cxP
  10. Gvt does not have a "specific view on the legality of the Iraq war as such.", Downing Street says. http://bit.ly/ad7ilX
  11. Travelling standard class "just about bearable if one is in flip-flops and a T-shirt", Lord Palmer tells peers. http://bit.ly/bIjgiB
  12. Lib Dems make gaffe re Clegg's first appearance today at PMQs. http://bit.ly/bIjgiB
  13. Politics blog + PMQs live - Wednesday 21 July http://bit.ly/an9CKp
  14. "Gordon looked at his watch whle Sue was swearing the oath!" - Jon Craig on Gordon Brown in the Lords as Sue Nye joins http://bit.ly/bU06Zk
  15. 10 things you didn't know about Labour, from Gordon Brown's pollster http://bit.ly/bC0GdY
  16. "Over the past four weeks, the coalition’s approval rating has slipped slowly but remorselessly," says Peter Kellner- http://bit.ly/bPp0ee
  17. MI5 budget was doubled after Iraq war because of "almost overwhelming" number of terrorist threats, ex MI5 chief says. http://bit.ly/cYUOru
  18. "Arguably we gave Osama bin-Laden his Iraqi jihad," ex MI5 chief tells Iraq inquiry. http://bit.ly/cYUOru
  19. 70 to 80 Britons went to Iraq to join insurgency, ex MI5 chief tells Iraq inquiry http://bit.ly/cYUOru
  20. "Saddam would only use CB against western targets if he felt survival of his regime in doubt" - MI5 verdict in 2002 http://bit.ly/cYUOru