Boulton & Co.

G20 Conclusions 

June 27, 2010 7:53 PM - Written by Adam Boulton

Here are key phrases from the G20 communique:

“Strengthening the recovery is the key. To sustain recover we need to follow through on existing stimulus plans , while working to create the conditions for robust private demand. At the same time recent events highlight the importance of sustainable public finances and the need for out countries to put in place credible, properly phased and growth-friendly plans to deliver fiscal sustainability,...

Going Tonto In Toronto 

June 27, 2010 12:48 PM - Written by Adam Boulton

“Halt! Do not go through that door!” “What if I do?” “I’ll have to arrest you for your own safety, Sir! Teargas has been deployed!”

This exchange between a senior security officer and a British reporter anxious to get back to the media centre to file, sums up the jumpy mood of overkill which pervades these global summits....

Transcript: Cameron on Afghanistan 

June 25, 2010 8:08 PM - Written by Adam Boulton

To me on Sky News:


How long do the British troops have in Afghanistan, or indeed the American troops?


There is a timetable set out under the Obama plan, which is for this surge to take place this year, for a review to take place at the end of the year, and to start to draw down elements of that surge from July next year. I prefer to not deal in too strict timetables. Basically,...

UK To Follow Canada Out Of Afghanistan? 

June 25, 2010 7:16 PM - Written by Adam Boulton

David Cameron is acting casual at this first summit of world leaders. He indulged his penchant for “wild swimming” with an early morning dip in the lake at this country club in woodland about a hundred miles from Toronto.

And when he had his bilateral with Italy’s Prime Minister, Cameron recruited Berlusconi as a temporary England supporter, now that the Azzuri have crashed out, thanks to Fabio Capello....

Feasting In Fortress Toronto 

June 24, 2010 9:23 PM - Written by Sara Mojtehedzadeh

Canadians sometimes refer to Toronto as the centre of the universe.

For once it is actually living up to its hyperbolic moniker, as the world's collective gaze focuses on G20 leaders descending upon the city.

Nonetheless, the mood on the street is pretty dour.

The government has spent £1bn on security – that's about £982m more than the Pittsburgh G20 summit.

A security zone has been erected in Toronto's busiest area and enormous barricades built to keep protestors out....

'Unpicking' The Coalition? 

June 24, 2010 6:20 PM - Written by Jon Craig

Is the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition unravelling? Are those pesky LibDems getting flaky about the Budget, spending cuts and the VAT increase?

First, within hours of George Osborne's Budget, LibDem MP Bob Russell threatened to vote against it. Now another, Mike Hancock, says he might not vote for it.

So, up stepped new deputy leader Simon Hughes in the Commons to set the record straight. Or straight-ish. (Well, they are the LibDems.)

Simon, dubbed the keeper of the party's conscience,...

Cameron Goes To Canada 

June 24, 2010 10:29 AM - Written by Adam Boulton

David Cameron is taking a no-frills approach to his first round of international summiteering.

Samantha is not accompanying him on the trip and he's already saying that these jamborees need fresh thinking and renewed political leadership.

Cameron will also argue that it's not worth setting lofty goals.

Each meeting, he believes, should rachet up practical achievements, rather than being windy, grand-talking shops.

The fact that this round of G8/G20 is in Canada is good news for the Prime Minister....

Caption Competition, World Cup Edition 

June 24, 2010 9:48 AM - Written by Miranda Richardson

Gordon Brown seemed to jinx every football team he expressed a preference for...

Will Cameron's support for the England team have a more positive effect?

Peter The Greek 

June 23, 2010 1:25 PM - Written by Jon Craig

He likes his trips to Greece, does Lord Mandelson of Foy in the County of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the County of Durham. As we know.

Now, in a new Register of Lords' Interests which has popped up in the Vote Office, he has declared one trip that has had a lot of publicity and one that has received very little.

"Visit to Greece, August 2009, accepted hospitality from Lord Rothschild," declares M'Lord under Overseas Visits in the Register.

Ah yes,...

PMQs: Digested 

June 23, 2010 1:19 PM - Written by Joey Jones