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The Live Wire

  • David Miliband | Unique open conference call with 100s pty members tonight. Listening and respect...

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    • 19:54
  • Labour List | A day in the race - July 10th

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    • 19:11
  • ConservativeHome | School building won't stop under the Coalition, insists Gove, but Labour's waste...

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    • 18:58
  • Heard a v good anecdote about @DMiliband from a high-level source in the French ...

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    • 18:50
  • Will be lifting a glass tonight to Labour Clubs everywhere. Thanks for the NULSC...

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    • 18:34
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  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

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  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

  • PoliticsHome | Only the latest five entries on the PhiWire are visible to non-subscribers

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In the face of cross-party criticism over his handling of reforms to the schools building programme, education secretary Michael Gove writes in tomorrow's Sunday Express: "Reform is never easy and certainly not when cash is tight" and promises that "school building will not stop under this government". Pressure mounted on Mr Gove today as two local councils sought clarification as to why their school projects were cut despite meeting the government's own criteria for avoiding the axe.

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