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  1. Heseltine argued as recently as April that the doomed Audit Cssm was valuable and its role extended to cover Whitehall network.civilservicelive.com/pg/pages/view/…
  2. The Audit Commission, set up by Michael Heseltine in the 1980s, to be scrapped, full leaked memo at http://blogs.ft.com/westminster/?p=56596
  3. Scots jail chiefs to set up professional tattoo parlours inside prisons to cut Hepatitis C infection rates- dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-…
  4. @Tabacaria then they shouldn't be inspected by ofsted but by the chief inspector of prisons.Ofsted has repeatedly ignored resraint issues
  5. Howard League's Frances Crook criticises Ofsted as supine and ill-equipped for its bland report on child jails http://bit.ly/12URtM
  6. Heavy security conditions for those wanting to go to Tony Blair book signing at Waterstones London Piccadillys store http://bit.ly/anGmwz
  7. Dame Anne Owers is charity Clinks’ new Chair. She will take up the post in January 2011.
  8. Civil service union warns 15,000 jobs could go as Justice Ministry says it must cut £2bn of its £9bn annual budget http://gu.com/p/2jvgc/tw
  9. Justice Ministry faces £2 bn cut out of £9bn budget says its finance chief, unions say third of 80,000 jobs at risk http://gu.com/p/2jvgc/tw
  10. new MoJ prison pop projections question need for Labour's 96,000 place jail building prog by 2014 -as pop will be 88,700 on current plans
  11. @ncadc yes but UKBA say report is accurate and confirm pilot scheme for high-speed deportation of families with children already under way
  12. Prison population in England and Wales will rise 3,500 to 88,500 by 2016 if no changes in policy say new Justice Ministry projections
  13. @tomwburke thanks for the RT
  14. @sunny_hundal thanks for the RT
  15. Asylum children face high-speed deportations instead of detention under coalition pilot scheme despite Clegg pledge http://bit.ly/aHjc5L
  16. Asylum children face high-speed deportations instead of detention under coalition pilot scheme http://bit.ly/aHjc5L
  17. One to watch. US lawsuit challenges airport full-body scanners over privacy concerns http://is.gd/e2yMP