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Archive: 26 April – 2 May 2010

  • Friday 30 April 2010

  • Factfile UK public spending chart

    Click image for full graphic. The Guardian and the Institute for Fiscal Studies present the ultimate guide to how central government spends our money - and how it has changed since last year. From hospital beds to missiles, this is what happens to your taxes. Graphic: Jenny Ridley

    The Guardian's political commentator introduces our factfile - and the full dataset behind it

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  • Thursday 29 April 2010

  • Migration graphic

    Eastern European migration is going down. Click image for full graphic

    Gordon Brown's 'bigot' gaffe has highlighted immigration from Eastern Europe yet again in the general election campaign. Here's the data you need to understand the debate

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  • Charities graphic

    Spread of charities across the country. Click image for graphic

    All the political parties are talking about the role of charities, but what are they? Here is the most complete set of data ever published about the state of the third sector

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  • Big Ben clock

    Big Ben at night. Polls close at 10pm - find out what time your seat declares. Photograph: Tim Ireland/PA

    Find out when your constituency is likely to delclare on election night

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  • Afghanistan: powerpoint graphic

    Click image for big graphic. Gen Stanley McChrystal, leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer meant to portray the complexity of American military strategy Illustration: PA

    Is the 'Afghanistan Stability/COIN Dynamics – Security' slide a set of meaningless squiggles or a comprehensive guide to Afghanistan? And how would you improve on it?

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  • Factfile UK health map

    Click image for full graphic. These figures, from the World Health Organisation, doctors per 100,000 people and how much each country spends on healthcare per head of the population. Interestingly, the US tops that league table - maybe because an insurance-based healthcare system costs a lot of money. Illustration: Jenny Ridley

    The Guardian's health editor introduces our health factfile - and the full dataset behind it

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  • Wednesday 28 April 2010

  • Party cuts graphic

    General election IFS analysis: how the parties would cut spending Graphic: Jenny Ridley

    The Insitute for Fiscal Studies has worked out what parties would have to cut if they win the general election - and the black hole in their plans. Get the full data

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  • Factfile UK carbon map

    Click image for full graphic. Carbon emissions are still a sign of industrial power. These figures from the authoritative US Energy Information Administration report show carbon emissions from the consumption of fuel for 2007 - the latest year available. This was the year that China overtook the US. But despite the advances of the growing Asian economies, this league table is still dominated by the west. Graphic: Paul Scruton

    Guardian head of environment introduces our environment and transport factfile - and the full dataset behind it

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  • Tuesday 27 April 2010

  • Party funding graphic

    Donations by party by the end of week 2 of the campaign

    Each week, the Electoral Commission publishes the big party donations of the campaign. Find out who gave what to whom

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  • A petrol pump

    Petrol prices are at a record high. Photograph: guardian.co.uk

    We looked at a century of petrol price data to find out – and the answer is not what you might expect

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  • Factfile UK qualifications map

    Click image for full graphic. The percentage of people of working age with no qualifications 2005 parliamentary constituencies. Conducted by the lecturers' union UCU, the research finds that the proportion of those with degrees or equivalent varies hugely across the country - from 62.3% in Kensington and Chelsea to just 9.91% in Birmingham Hodge Hill. Find out how your constituency does. Graphic: Jenny Ridley

    Guardian education correspondent introduces our education factfile - and the full dataset behind it

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  • Monday 26 April 2010

  • Link to this interactive

    The Guardian and ICM have been conducting monthly polls since 1984. Here is the full data going back to then. Plus, for the first time, we can bring you the trends in the big questions and how they've changed over time. Continue reading...

  • election greyhounds

    A three-dog race: Representatives from a bookmakers pose for photographs with greyhound racing dogs Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP

    Every constituency, the party targeting the seat - and the swing they need to win it

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  • Open door: The Datablog editor on how number crunchers are driving this election debate

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  • England and Wales crime graphic

    Click image for full graphic. How do you compare crime across England and Wales? The British Crime Survey gives us a directly comparable crime rate for every local authority, per 1,000 population. So, here you can find out exactly how much higher the rate is in Islington than Exeter – and which areas have gone up and down.

    The Guardian's home affairs editor introduces our crime factfile - and the full data behind it

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