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YDN May Events Lineup

Posted April 30, 2010

Crockford on JavaScript

Posted April 15, 2010

During the past three months, Yahoo!'s JavaScript architect Douglas Crockford delivered a series of public lectures on the JavaScript programming language here at Yahoo!. YUI Theater recorded and transcribed each of the five lectures.

  1. Volume One: The Early Years
  2. Chapter 2: And Then There Was JavaScript
  3. Act III: Function the Ultimate
  4. Episode IV: The Metamorphosis of Ajax
  5. Part V: The End of All Things

New Titles From Yahoo! Press & O'Reilly

Posted March 30, 2010

Yahoo! Press is thrilled to announce four new titles. U.S. readers can can enjoy savings of 40% off on print and 50% on ebooks. Visit the O'Reilly Store and use YAH4E at checkout. (You can save on all books, not just the Yahoo! Press titles.)

YUI 3.1.0 — More powerful, more open

Posted April 15, 2010

YUI 3.1.0 is now available, and it now brings together all of the pieces of the YUI ecosystem: YUI 3.x modules, community contributions to the YUI 3 Gallery, and YUI 2 components are all available from the use() statement. More than 100 innovative and powerful components can now be loaded from YUI 3's 6.9KB seed file.

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YDN Blog Highlights

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A short adventure with Yahoo! Pipes

I was attracted to Yahoo! Pipes because I didn’t need to learn a new programming language to develop an app that used Warwickshire County Council's Open Dataset in a new way. more...


Yahoo! at PHP Day in Italy

Corropoli, Italy, was the scene of PHP Day. I talked about using the Yahoo! PHP SDK with YQL, symfony, and open source platforms. more...


Tech Thursday - Google API landslide, sarcasm detection, pointless SVG and real time stats

It is Tech Thursday - get clicking as here are some hot off the press links for you. more...

YDN Libraries & Best Practices

  • Design Pattern Library
  • Exceptional Performance
  • Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI)

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