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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

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UN Communications Group at the country level: Basic Operating Model (UNCG)
June 2006
Formally adopted by the UN Communications Group principals.
UN Communications Group web site
UNCG is the common communications platform of the United Nations system. It comprises the information offices of the United Nations family of organizations, including the Secretariat, specialized agencies, programmes and funds. Login and Password required for access.
UN Communications Group Survey 2009 (DPI/ECRU and DOCO)
February 2010
Survey of communication activities in UN Country Teams analyzing the conditions under which UNCGs operate in terms of resources, staff, infrastructure and activities. The opportunities and challenges UNCGs face and how they impact the effectiveness of their work are also examined.
UN Communications Group 8th Annual Meeting Report (UNCG)
August 2009
The eighth annual meeting of the UN Communications Group at the level of principals was held on 25 and 26 June 2009 in Bangkok at the headquarters of ESCAP. At the meeting the UNCG welcomed progress in joint strategic communication for development at the country level, endorsed the work plan of the UNCG Working Group on Communications at the Country Level and encouraged country teams to continue strengthening their UN Communications Groups and seeking ways to communicate together strategically. UNCG members also agreed to support and encourage strategic communication training for resident coordinators, heads of agencies, representatives and other senior managers at the country level.
UN Communications Group 7th Annual Meeting Report (UNCG)
July 2008
The seventh annual meeting of the UN Communications Group at the level of principals was held on 16 and 17 June 2008 in Paris at the headquarters of UNESCO. At the meeting, UN agencies agreed to inform UNCTs through the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UNDOCO) of a Standard Operating Procedure for communicating together in times of crisis, and to set up a working group on communications aspects of Delivering as One UN pilots, to be facilitated by UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UNDOCO), to explore means for increasing internal and inter-agency communications to support Delivering as One UN pilots, as well as strengthening UNCGs at the country level.
UNCG Country Examples

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DR Congo - UNCG Annual Report 2009 (UNCG DR Congo)
February 2010
Guinée-Bissau - Comité de Communication des Nations Unies: Termes de Référence (UN Guinée-Bissau)
Moldova UN Communications Group Terms of Reference (UN Moldova)
Pakistan - UN Communications Group Terms of Reference (UN Pakistan)
September 2009
Rwanda UN Communications Group Terms of Reference (UN Rwanda)
26 September 2007
4 pages
Tanzania UN Communications Group Terms of Reference (UNCG Tanzania)
Tanzania - UNCG Annual Report 2009
January 2010
Zambia - Joint Communication Documents (UNCG Zambia)