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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
UN Country Teams have greater flexibility to tailor UN supported analysis to country needs. (see chapter 2 of the 2007 CCA/UNDAF Guidelines ) The purpose of the UNCT’s analytical contribution is to strengthen country analytical processes and products, and thereby influence the priorities of the national development framework to be of high quality, and to reflect international norms and standards. The Common Country Assessment (CCA) is now one of several options for strengthening country analysis: please see diagram page iv of the CCA/UNDAF Guidelines.

Policy and Guidance
Tools and Training
Examples and Experiences
Other Resource Material

Policy and Guidance

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2009 CCA/UNDAF Guidelines (UNDG)
February 2009
Updated version of the 2007 CCA/UNDAF guidelines approved by UNDG on 29 January 2009 and disseminated to UNCTs in February 2009.
Introduction letter 2009 CCA/UNDAF Guidelines (Kemal Dervis)
19 February 2009
Letter from Kemal Dervis as UNDG Chair introducing 2009 CCA/UNDAF Guidelines
Tools and Training
DevInfo is a user-friendly, customizable database system used by UNDG to support national monitoring of human development. It can help to collect data that feed into the UN’s analytical contribution at country level. It can be customized by the UNCT to link data to the national development framework, the World Summit outcome document, MD/MDGs and the UNDAF as well as other plans of high national priority. Please click here for information on DevInfo

Examples and Experiences
This section offer a number of good examples that were identified by a UNDG working group. It also offer some papers documenting the lessons learned from the CCA/UNDAF processes at country level in the early years of the new millennium.

Completed CCAs
Good Examples
Country Experiences

Other Resource Material

The Country Analytic Work Joint Website
This is not a UNDG Resource. The Country Analytic Work Joint Website was launched in 2001. The website facilitates sharing of analytic work by recipient countries and donors. A related aim is to improve the quality of analytic work, and thereby improve development impact and cost-effectiveness. In particular, the CAW site: (a) helps in accessing historical data as well as planned analytical work; (b) facilitates exchange of information among experts in sector-specific fields; (c) provides users the opportunity to view standardized and customized toolkits; (d) addresses objective of avoiding duplication and supporting client capacity building; and (e) contributes to donor cooperation initiatives.