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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

 This page provides links to generic guidelines which explain the core principles of common services as well as specific areas, where available (e.g: ICT,Procurement HR etc.). We also include a link to the UNDG toolkit as provides a framework for approaching change and concepts around integrating programme and operations.

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Guidance Note on Common Services and Harmonized Business Practices 2009
New Operational Guidelines (2004 Hyperlink version)
New Operational Guidelines (2004 PDF version)
TOR for OMT (template)
Other Sample Documents
MOU for the Provision and Use of Common Services (UNDG Working Group on Common Premises)
14 January 2008
Standard template for Memorandum of Understanding concerning the provision and use of common services by the United Nations Offices, Programmes and Funds, and Specialized Agencies in [insert country name]

Guidelines for Harmonized UN Procurement at the Country Level (UNDG Task Team on Common Services and Procurement)
13 October 2009
Initial business process for the development of a common procurement team at the country level. Guidelines on sharing and developing common LTAs and for a common contracts committee at the country level.

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RC Office Internet Domain Name Standard (UNDG ICT Task Team)
April 2010
Information note on the one.un.org website and email address.
Guidelines for Delivering as One in ICT at the Country Level (United Nations Development Group)
24 February 2010
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to UN Country Teams (UNCT) and Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) practitioners in identifying country-level opportunities and developing action plans to implement common initiatives.

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Agenda Item 5: DRAFT: Guidance Note on Common Teams: The Case of the “ONE UN” Communications Team in Viet Nam
9 November 2009
Agenda Item 7: Documenting Experiences in Pilot Countries: One UN Communication Team, Viet Nam
Monitoring & Evaluation
Common Services Management System

Currently,the CS Management System is the only available tool for the monitoring and evaluation of Common Services. It is designed to support the in-country management, transparency, accountability and oversight of Common Services in-country. However, the system also facilitates corporate results monitoring and the exchange of good practices.

In 2010, an M&E; framework for Common Services will be piloted and revised based on input from volunteer countries. To volunteer to test the framework, please email:Elizabeth Spencer
To receive username and password, please write Elizabeth Spencer
To access the system once you have username and password: www.csmanagementsystem.undg.org

Who are the beneficiaries of this system?
At country level, the CS Management System is a tool for the OMT,it is envisioned to support the development, evaluation, management and reporting on Common Services. At the corporate level, the CS Management System provides overview and results reporting for Agencies and UNDG entities – also through a dashboard facility.

Who maintains and manages country data in the system? Who can access the system?
A country focal point, usually the OMT Chair or member designated by the chair. Widest possible access is intended and for each country a common username and password is issued for view-only access to country and global data. Only the designated country focal point has a system access for uploading and editing country data.

UNDG Toolkit
The UNDG Toolkit provides a change management framework to support countries in planning and implementing the change required to improve development impact and increase efficiency of the UN development system. It is a very useful tool for understanding the process and steps required to bring about both operational and programmatic change and identify synergies between them.

Direct link to the UNDG Toolkit