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MDG Campaigning & Advocacy

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CR: Tanzania - Developing effective messages about PRS
May 2005
Requests contacts, recommendations, experiences and ideas with developing a Communication Strategy for the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) that communicates short, simple and direct messages on the PRS to a variety of targeted audiences. In Tanzania, this exercise will also serve as a basis for strategic communication on the MDGs (which are embedded in the PRS).
CR: Bolivia - Audiovisual Campaigning Material
June 2005
Requests examples of audiovisual campaigning materials from different countries to be potentially used for an ATM campaign in Bolivia. Examples are provided from most regions and include another ATM campaign, videos, commercials and interactive events were shared as a way to raise awareness and mobilize the public around the MDGs.
CR: Lao PDR - Advocacy to Parliaments on MDGs (Replies in full)
7 August 2004
CR: National Goodwill Ambassadors for MDGs
1 April 2005
Requests advice and experience with appointing a Goodwill Ambassador for the MDGs. The UN DPI points out that Ambassadors are only appointed at the global level and should be referred to using a different name, such as spokesperson for the MDGs on a national level. Responses provide experiences and suggestions on the selection, responsibilities, and remuneration of spokespeople. Country examples from Zimbabwe and Malaysia.
CR: Goal 8 in Developing Countries
28 January 2005
Requests examples from other developing countries on activities in support of MDG 8, particularly in terms of mobilizing resources. Responses reflect ways to encourage developed countries to meet their financial and trade obligations, and activities to meet developing countries' obligations to improve goverannce and policy reform.
CR: Advocating for the MDGs in Uzbekistan
January 2004
Requests experiences with attracting sponsors to support the MDG campaign and at the same time ensuring sustainability and national ownership.
CR: MDG Campaign Messages
August 2004
CR: Media Training on MDGs - Uganda
September 2004
CR: Ukraine/ Human Rights Film Festival 2004
August 2004
CR: Vietnam/Comparative Experiences & Consultants/Engaging Parliaments in the MDGs
August 2004
CR: Local MDG projects for newspaper reporting
June 2004
CR: Youth and MDGs Campaign
July 2004
CR: MDG Campaign Poster Competition - Uzbekistan
April 2004
CR: MDG Advocacy Specialist
15 February 2004
This query asks for help to find candidates with communications, media and advocacy skills in an MDG context. Knowledge of the SE Asia context is also highly valued.
CR: MDG Materials in Arabic
December 2003
This summary lists some Arabic documents and provides some links to pages where MDG material in Arabic can be found.
CR: Tunisia/Experiences with MDGs addressing children
November 2003
CR: Communicating MDGs to Malaysian Public through the Media
November 2003
CR: Nepal/Plain Language for the MDGs
September 2003
This query deals with the idea of familiarizing general public with the MDGs.
CR: MDG Participatory Workshop Ideas - Ecuador
10 December 2002
December 10, 2002- Participatory workshop strategies to familiarize with MDG with examples from Laos, Russia, Yemen & Ethiopia
CR: Examples of Localizing MDGs - Nepal
29 August 2003
Aug 29, 2002- Comparative experiences in launching MDG localizing campaigns, and important elements of orientation and how to link to local plans with reports from Cambodia, Nepal, Paraguay, Albania and Vietnam.
CR: Viet Nam - MDG publications for Youth (Campaign, MDG, Youth)
September 2003
Ecuador - Participatory Workshop Ideas
November 2002
CR: Lao PDR - Raising Awareness of MDGs
May 2002
CR: Philippines - Popularizing the MDGs
August 2002
CR: Nigeria - Good practices in MDGR participation / MDGRs: Some Analytical Questions
August 2002
CR: Georgia - MDG Visibility Material (April 2006)
15 April 2006
CR: MDG initiatives in the Arab Region
11 April 2005
Arab Region
CR: Uganda - MDG advocacy strategy - request for experience - documents
February 2003
CR: Egypt / Examples of Country Office MDG Strategies
11 July 2007