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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
6 - Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

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Note from the Extraordinary UNDG meeting on HIV/AIDS
June 2001
The extraordinary UNDG meeting was held to discuss ways to collaborate at the country level to respond to the UN General Assembly Special Session Declaration of Commitments, the Secretary-Generals initiatives on HIV/AIDS, and in particular to current plans to launch a Global Fund for HIV/AIDS and Health.
ACC Guidance Note for the UN RC System: Towards a Multi-sectoral Response to HIV/AIDS
September 2000
This guidance note to UN Country Teams is intended to strengthen a coordinated response of the UN System to HIV/AIDS at a country level. The issues proposed for consideration are: policy dialogue; advocacy and programmes for a multisectoral response; UN theme groups on HIV/AIDS; targeting specific populations; capacity building; resource mobilization; development instruments and mechanisms; partnerships; regional expansion; and technical guidance and support.
Demobilization and its implications for HIV/AIDS
October 2000
This report was prepared at the request, and with the support of, the USAID Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI). Topics discussed include demobilizaton and the HIV/AIDS challenge, definitions, trends and actors; and demobilizaiton and HIV/AIDS interventions. The contention is that the multi-phase nature of demobilization activities presents opportunities for the inclusion of HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives and care of people already affected. They argue that of paramount importance for the success of HIV/AIDS programs is a participatory approach that engages ex-combatants and communities of return in activity planning and implementation.
Malawi Common Country Assessment (HIV/AIDS discussed starting on pages 59, 68 and 73)
March 2001
South Africa UN Development Assistance Framework, 2002-2006
August 2000
HIV/AIDS: Resident Coordinator System - highlights of UN Country Level Activities during 2000
June 2001
Namibia Common Country Assessment
Mozambique Common Country Assessment (HIV/AIDS discussed starting on page 39)
November 2000
Common Country Assessment, Lesotho (HIV/AIDS discussed starting on pages 61 and 71)
July 2000
South Africa Common Country Assessment (HIV/AIDS discussed starting on page 64)
October 1999
Common Country Assessment: Zambia 2000 (HIV/AIDS discussed starting on page 69)
December 2000
Mozambique UN Development Assistance Framework, 1998-2001
May 1998
Mozambique UN Development Assistance Framework , 2002-2006
April 2001
Namibia UN Development Assistance Framework, 2001-2005 (HIV/AIDS discussed starting on page 33)
UNCT Cambodia supporting nat resp to HIV epidemic
May 2001
The United Nations Country Team in Cambodia is building on the UNDAF to significantly enhance its support to the national response against HIV/AIDS. In doing so, the UNCT has developed this Common Strategy that clearly sets out the future emphasis of the Team. The UNCT is committed to the governments efforts to achieve the Millennium Declaration Development Goal on HIV/AIDS to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015. Through the development of this Common Strategy, the CT reflected on the roles and responsibilities of each UN agency as well as the UN system.
Putting Knowledge To Work: Technical Resource Networks for Effective Responses to HIV/AIDS
December 2000
UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Final Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS
June 2001
UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Final Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, Global Crisis - Global Action
UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Final Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS
June 2001
UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Final Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, Global Crisis - Global Action
InfoDev: facilitating communications in response to HIV/AIDS in South-East Asia
July 2001
UNDP Corporate Strategy on HIV/AIDS
October 2001
The UNDP Corporate Strategy outlines the specific role and activities of UNDP in the area of HIV/AIDS. The objective of the Strategy is to ensure policy coherence within UNDP at global, regional and country levels, while still allowing flexibility for country offices to respond to country specific needs. Section V entitled The Response of the Resident Coordinator System links up with the UNDG Guidance Note on HIV/AIDS, empahsizing the critical role of the Resident Coordinator System for a coordinated and coherent response by the UN system.
Follow up to UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS
July 2001
UN Secretary General's letter to UN Resident Coordinators: Follow up to UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS
Country Level Action in Support of Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS: UNDG Cover Letter
August 2001
UN Resident Coordinator System - Country Level Action in Support of Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS: UNDG Cover Letter
UNDG Guidance Note on HIV/AIDS
August 2001
UN Resident Coordinator System - Country Level Action in Support of Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS: UNDG Guidance Note on HIV/AIDS
Transcript of Secretary-General, Kofi Annan's Press Conference
June 2001
UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS - Transcript of Secretary-General, Kofi Annan's Press Conference
United Nations Strategic Priorities on HIV/AIDS in Viet Nam
July 2001
This document aims to define a broad framework for UN support to the Government of Viet Nam as part of the national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It articulates a coherent vision and selective priorities for the UN system, as distinct from those of each agency, the Government, and other development partners. It is intended to ensure a better response of the UN system as a whole to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Viet Nam. The strategic priorities listed in this document are based on the analysis of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Viet Nam and of strengths and weaknesses of the national response. It also takes into account the role and comparative advantage of the UN system.
Plan of Action: The Ecumenical Response to HIV/AIDS in Africa
November 2001
This Plan of Action is the outcome of a dialogue between three groups of partners: churches, ecumenical and church-related organizations in Africa; churches, ecumenical and church-related organizations in Europe and North America; and the World Council of Churches. The Plan is part of the response, by these groups of partners, to the urgent challenge presented by the epidemic of HIV/AIDS: a challenge to which all religious organizations have been struggling to respond, which is depopulating Africa faster than any calamity since the slave trade. What it attempts to achieve is a new and realistic initiative which will make it possible for church leaders and their congregations to speak honestly about HIV and AIDS, and to act practically in response to it.
UN System Global Focal Points for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (PLEASE NOTE: This information has been compiled for the use of UN Staff only.)
February 2002
The World Bank Group - HIV / AIDS - Links
Columbia University - Links
Current Issues in Comparative Education vol. 3, number 1, Discussant papers on Deadly education: the spread of HIV/AIDS
UNAIDS - International Partnership against AIDS in Africa - Links
To receive the partnership's Weekly Bulletin send your name and both e-mail and physical addresses to: masonj@unaids.org
Development Gateway - Links
HIV/AIDS, including a discussion on why efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic in Brazil have reached such promising results
Meeting of the Executive Committee of the UN Development Group, Maputo, 10 July 2003 (UNAIDS Secretariat)
30 July 2003
summary of meeting that discussed HIV/AIDS in southern Africa, operating principles of UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, appraisal of Country Teams, and regional support mechanism.
Progress report on the UN System Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS 2001?2005 (UNAIDS Secretariat)
29 April 2003
This document reports on the mid-term UNSSP performance monitoring review aimed at documenting how the UN system adds value at global and country levels and updating of the UNSSP to ensure that the UN is responding to the current challenges and threats of the epidemic, contributing to the achievement of the goals of the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, and implementing PCB decisions subsequent to the five-year external evaluation of UNAIDS.
Five Year Evaluation of UNAIDS (UNAIDS Secretariat)
8 October 2002
This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an evaluation into the performance of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS - UNAIDS. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which UNAIDS has met expectations in terms of increasing attention to the social, economic and developmental issues associated with the spread of HIV and strengthening interagency collaboration in response to the challenge.
Decisions, Recommendations and Conclusions of the 13th Meeting of the UNAIDS PCB (UNAIDS Secretariat)
14 January 2003
This document sums up the decisions of the PCB in response to the Five Year Evaluation of UNAIDS and the UNAIDS Executive Director's Report to the PCB.
UNAIDS Action Guide for United Nations Country Team: Implementing the Declaration of Commitments on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS Secretariat)
1 October 2002
The Action Guide is focused on the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, approved by the United Nations General Assembly Special Session in June 2001. The primary responsibility for implementing the Declaration rests with governments. The role of the United Nations system is to support government efforts, and this guide has been prepared to assist United Nations Country Teams in this important process.
Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS: Core Indicators (UNAIDS Secretariat)
1 August 2002
Presents the core indicators used in measuring progress in implementing the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.
Accelerating Country and Regional Action on HIV/AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa (UNAIDS Secretariat)
9 July 2003
UN Regional Director's Meeting, 9 July 2003, Maputo, Mozambique
25 March 2002
The meeting "Regional Follow Up on the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS - The UN response to HIV/AIDS in Countries on Eastern Europe and Central Asia", brought together Regional Directors, Heads of Delegations and staff of the UNAIDS Cosponsors in Moscow, Russian Federation, 25 March 2002. It was organized by the UNAIDS Secretariat and hosted by the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation.
An in-depth assessment of UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS Secretariat)
1 May 2002
Earlier assessments of UN Theme Groups have catalogued their modus operandi and underlined the diverse contexts in which they operate. They did not however provide much insight into the factors that constrain or assist their effectiveness, nor did they allow any genuine comparative appraisal of their role in support of country efforts. This in-depth assessment is therefore meant to address these questions. At the same time it allows the Cosponsors and Secretariat to reflect on what they can do to strengthen the joint UN response at country level.
Operationalizing a Strengthened UN System Response to HIV/AIDS at Country Level
19 November 2003
The Country Response Information System (CRIS) (HIV/AIDS) (UNAIDS)
UNAIDS has developed the Country Response Information System (CRIS) as an information tool for national AIDS councils or equivalent. The CRIS comprises several databases including the Indicator Database that stores data relating to the UNGASS indicators. These indicators directly feed the HIV/AIDS MDGs. The present version of the Indicator Database, in five UN languages was released in June 2003. To date, 75 countries have been trained in its use and almost 20 countries are using the CRIS for data storage and analysis. Technology: HTML, XML, Visual Basic scripting, SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE), Windows 2000, Microsoft Office.
World Health Organization on MDGs
Thailand Thematic MDG Report: HIV/AIDS
Thailand's Response to HIV/AIDS: Progress and Challenges