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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

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Afghanistan - UN Afghanistan Communication Strategy Blueprint 2009 (DOCO)
April 2009
This communications plan presupposes that the UNCT in Afghanistan has agreed to undertake some joint communications initiatives and offers suggestions on how to proceed. This is not a finished strategy, only a blueprint to develop a strategy.
Cambodia UN Communications and Advocacy Strategy 2008-2010 (UN Cambodia)
September 2008
DR Congo - Joint Communication Strategy (UNCG DR Congo)
February 2010
Liberia - UN External Communications Strategy 2009-2011 (Julia Stewart/UN Liberia)
Malawi - Strategic Approach to Communication for UN Malawi in 2007-2008 (UN Malawi)
Mali - Plan de communication du system des Nations Unies (Groupe de Communication des Nations Unies au Mali)
Moldova UN Communications Strategy 2008-2011 (UN Moldova)
Pakistan UN Communications Strategy
Rwanda - UN Rwanda Communications Strategy (UN Rwanda)
Sierra Leone Strategic Communication Overview (UNCG Sierra Leone)
May 2006
4-page matrix.
Somalia - UN Communications Strategy 2009-2010 (UN Somalia)
October 2008
South Africa UN Communications Group 2008 Work Plan (UNCG South Africa)
This Work Plan, which is based on the UNCG Communications Strategy 2008-2010, covers the period January – December 2008.
Tanzania UN Communication Strategy (UNCG Tanzania)
Togo - Stratégie de communication du Système des Nations Unies
September 2009
Tunisia - Communication Group Workplan for 2009
12 February 2009
Tunisie - Tableau du plan d'action du Groupe de la communication
Uzbekistan Joint UN Communication Strategy (UN Uzbekistan)
March 2007
Viet Nam One UN Communications Strategy and Workplan (UN Viet Nam)
UNDG/DOCO Communication Strategy 2010 (DOCO)
December 2009
Strategic framework for communication initiatives that support coordinated UN development operations. It proposes an integrated set of activities and products to inform, empower and inspire UN staff and stakeholders to work together to advance the reforms and changes called for by the General Assembly’s Comprehensive Policy Review, the UN Development Group and the Chief Executives Board.