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Post-Conflict Needs Assessments
Post-Conflict Needs Assessments (PCNAs) are multilateral exercises undertaken by the UNDG and the World Bank in collaboration with the national government and with the cooperation of donor countries. PCNAs are increasingly used by national and international actors as an entry point for conceptualizing, negotiating and financing a common shared strategy for recovery and development in fragile, post-conflict settings. The PCNA includes both the assessment of needs and the national prioritization and costing of needs in an accompanying transitional results matrix. Over the last decade, donors have attributed increasing importance to providing timely and substantive support to post-conflict recovery and peace building. A large part of this assistance has been mobilized via international reconstruction conferences, at which donors make pledges based on the overall assessment of post-conflict recovery needs. As of January 2007, PCNAs have been undertaken or remain ongoing in Iraq, Liberia, Haiti, Sudan (North/South), Somalia and Darfur.

Following the UN/WB global review of PCNAs to identify lessons and improve future exercises (see jump-to link below), a series of joint briefings and presentations to stakeholders have been conducted in an effort to disseminate the outcomes and recommendations of the Review. In addition, these briefings intended to strengthen the knowledge of, ownership of, or linkages with other key players in post-conflict transition, including security, political, humanitarian and development partners, in advance of the next PCNA.

The recommendations included a number of internal measures to improve UN system participation in future PCNAs. Towards this goal, a PCNA background and decision paper was formally passed on 19 April in Geneva by the UNDG Principals. The Principals group endorsed the concept and methodology of PCNA and agreed to use it as a primary entry point and to support it through staff participation at the country level with the understanding that the selection of the priority and cross-cutting issues will be country specific in each case. OECD/DAC has also now agreed to use the PCNA/TRM approach to help set and monitor recovery priorities in countries in transition from conflict or international disengagement.

For more information, please contact Ana Maria Hermoso in the Crisis & Post-Conflict Cluster at DGO.

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Joint Guidance Note on Post Conflict Needs Assessments and Transitional Results Frameworks - Working Draft for Circulation (UNDGO/CPC and World Bank)
The working draft Joint Guidance Note on Integrated Recovery Planning using Post Conflict Needs Assessments (PCNAs) and Transitional Results Frameworks (TRFs) has been developed by the UNDG, World Bank and Partners. The Guidance Note will be finalized following additional consultations with Partners and practical application in the field. The purpose of the Guidance Note is to inform strategic decision-makers (national and international) of the purpose, scope, and benefits of this common platform for recovery planning, and how it connects to other critical processes in a post-conflict setting such as the planning of peace-keeping deployments; and to guide technical practitioners – coordinators, sector team leaders, national partners, and donor representatives. This note does not provide detailed operational instructions for the PCNA-TRF, but will soon be accompanied by a companion Toolkit that will provide practical resources, guidance, and tools for teams planning or undertaking a PCNA-TRF. The Toolkit will be regularly updated on-line and made available on CDs, with extended guidance, templates and best practices. Work on the Toolkit remains ongoing.
PCNA Paper for Principals
April 2007
Summary Report of the UNDG Principals Meeting
April 2007