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About Human Rights Tools

This website is for human rights activists - persons monitoring the respect of human rights and advocating for positive change. Its most popular sections oriented towards careers and education:

  • Jobs and vacancies: this page the best place on the net to find human rights jobs. Employers love it because its free, simple, and gets them good candidates.
  • Masters Degrees: the ONLY complete listing of all graduate education in human rights, all on one practical page.
  • Short courses: looking for a summer school? This is the best place to find it.

    Human Rights Tools is increasingly popular, since its creation in 2006, its visitors have doubled every year - it had over 150'000 unique visitors in 2009!

    Human Rights Tools has always been a 100% volunteer initiative. This means that it is run by very motivated volunteers in their spare time. More about us.

    Locations of visitors to this page
  • New: Documenting Violations: Choosing the Right Approach

    Read the outcome of this New Tactics on-line dialogue called "Documenting Violations: Choosing the Right Approach". It cover options for ways to collect, store and share your human rights data safely and effectively. If you are trying to figure out the best documenting system for your work, you'll find some good ideas here for sure!

    New: 10 Tactics

    10 tactics, by Tactical Technology Collective provides original and artful ways for rights advocates to capture attention and communicate a cause. Watch the ten 5-minute movies, on topics like telling your story or visualizing your message. Recommended!

    10 tactics for turning information into action (Trailer) from Tactical Technology Collective on Vimeo.

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