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UNDAF Monitoring & Evaluation
UNDAF M&E; are linked but distinct processes.

Monitoring tracks progress towards the results agreed in the matrix, and checks if the assumptions made at the design stage are still valid and if the risk identified are actually occurring or not. Thus it helps the UNCT and implementing partners to make mid-course corrections as an integral part of programme management.

Evaluation determines whether the results made a worthwhile contribution to national development priorities, and the coherence of UNCT support. It feeds into management and decision making processes. While it makes an essential contribution to managing for results, it is an external function that should be separated from programme management.

UNDAF M&E; should always be aligned to existing national M&E; systems and focus on their development and institutionalization if they don’t exist (Text extracted from paragraph 103 of the Guidelines)

For more information on M&E;, see relevant section in the CCA/UNDAF Guidelines (Part 4, paragraphs 103 to 122).

Policy and Guidance
Tools and Training
Examples and Experiences

RBM Action Plan - Endorsed UNDG January 2009
January 2009
Policy and Guidance

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UNDAF Annual Review Guidelines
April 2005
UNDAF Annual Review Guidelines
UNDAF Evaluation Guidelines Terms of References
1 July 2005
2009 CCA/UNDAF Guidelines (UNDG)
February 2009
Updated version of the 2007 CCA/UNDAF guidelines approved by UNDG on 29 January 2009 and disseminated to UNCTs in February 2009.
Tools and Training

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United Nations Evaluation Group
This website provides relevant information on evaluation in the UN system.
UNDAF Technical Brief: Indicators
UNEG Norms and Standards for evaluation
April 2005
Issues Note: Results Based Management in UNDAFs (Task Team 1 of Working Group of Programming Policy)
October 2007
This note draws mainly on the 2006 ODI desk review as well as the review of various recent UNDAFs by members of the TT 1. It is meant as a platform to work towards a shared understanding, highlighting the key issues of concern from a policy angle. This note should be seen as a ‘living document’ to be regularly updated through feedback. Therefore, please kindly provide your comments through the Coordination Practice Network or other channels. Using real life examples from existing UNDAFs the paper discusses the key RBM issues identified as: 1. UNCT accountability at output level 2. Contribution to national priorities 3. Internal logic of the results chain 4. M & E Plans: Quality of indicators 5. Analysis of risks and assumptions 6. Addressing cross cutting issues
UNDAF Evaluability Report (UNEG)
Examples and Experiences

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UNPAF Annual Review 2007 Report FINAL
April 2009
Annual Report for Thailand UNDAF
Jordan UNDAF (2003-2007) Mid Term Review
July 2006
Niger UNDAF Review
December 2006
Zimbabwe UNDAF Joint Mid-Term Review Report
Angola M&E; Programme Cycle Calendar
M&E; Programme Cycle Calendar

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