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Results-based management
Results-based management is a strategic management approach. UNCTs use it with partners to plan, cost, implement, monitor and measure the changes from cooperation, rather than just the inputs provided or activities conducted. Using RBM, the UNCT ensures that its cash, supply and technical assistance contribute to a logical chain of results that increase in complexity and ambition as you rise up the chain: outputs, outcomes and impacts which are MD/MDG related national priorities. RBM depends on critical assumptions about the programme environment and risk assessments, clearly defined accountabilities and indicators for results, and performance monitoring and reporting.

Policy and Guidance
Tools and Training
Examples and Experiences
Other Resource Material

RBM Action Plan - Endorsed UNDG January 2009
January 2009
Policy and Guidance

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UNDG Results-Based Management Terminology
June 2003
UNDG Results Based Management Terminology from OECD/DAC Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management 2002
CCA/UNDAF Guidelines
Please refer to section 3.5 on “Results Based Management and Results Matrix”
Tools and Training

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Issues Note: Results Based Management in UNDAFs (Task Team 1 of Working Group of Programming Policy)
October 2007
This note draws mainly on the 2006 ODI desk review as well as the review of various recent UNDAFs by members of the TT 1. It is meant as a platform to work towards a shared understanding, highlighting the key issues of concern from a policy angle. This note should be seen as a ‘living document’ to be regularly updated through feedback. Therefore, please kindly provide your comments through the Coordination Practice Network or other channels. Using real life examples from existing UNDAFs the paper discusses the key RBM issues identified as: 1. UNCT accountability at output level 2. Contribution to national priorities 3. Internal logic of the results chain 4. M & E Plans: Quality of indicators 5. Analysis of risks and assumptions 6. Addressing cross cutting issues
RBM Study - Addressing Systemic Challenges
2 September 2008
Technical brief on Outcomes - a working document
October 2007
Informal note on issues related to outcomes in the CCA/UNDAF programming process. This document has not been approved by the UNDG and serves as an information note for RBM efforts in the UNDAF framework.
Technical brief on Outputs - Working document
October 2007
Informal note on issues related to outputs in the CCA/UNDAF programming process. This document has not been approved by the UNDG and serves as an information note for RBM efforts in the UNDAF framework.
Technical brief on Indicators - Working document
October 2007
Informal note on issues related to indicators in the CCA/UNDAF programming process. This document has not been approved by the UNDG and serves as an information note for RBM efforts in the UNDAF framework.
Technical brief on Risks and Assumptions - Working document
October 2007
Informal note on issues related to risks and assumptions in the CCA/UNDAF programming process. This document has not been approved by the UNDG and serves as an information note for RBM efforts in the UNDAF framework.
Yemen: Linking Rights Based Approach to Results Based Management (Abdul Alim)
This one page document attempts to define terminology that is now recommended to be used taking a rights based approach within the results based management framework. It clarifies the links between them
Examples and Experiences

UNSSC Online Results Matrices (UNSSC)
This is a searchable database of results matrices from recent UNDAFs, organized by elements of the MD and the 8 MDGs.
Other Resource Material

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Mapping and Analysis of UN Agency Annual Reports
May 2009
Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management (OECD/DAC)

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