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MDG Implementation

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CR: Sao Tome and Principe/ Best Practices on Poverty Reduction Observatories
24 September 2007
CR: Barbados and St. Vincent and Grenadines / Integrating Social Capital in Social Development Programming
14 August 2007
CR: Montserrat/ Localizing MDGs in Special Development Circumstances
23 August 2007
CR: Honduras/ PRSP & Decentralized Modalities of Budget Support
13 June 2007
CR: Bratislava Regional Center - Targetting and Delivery of Social Services
May 2007
CR: Bratislava Regional Centre/ Experiences in targeting and delivering social assistance to marginalized groups (ECIS, social Assistance, Marginalized groups, Vulnerable groups, Cash Transfers, Cashless transfers)
May 2007
CR: Paraguay / Comparative Experiences/Fund Transfers to Local Governments
17 May 2007
CR: Paraguay - Fund Transfer to Local Governments
May 2007
CR: Needs Assessment / Costing for HIV/AIDS
April 2007
CR: Arab Region - Engaging Youth in Achieving MDG 7 / Comparative Experiences (Youth, MDG 7 , Experiences)
April 2007
CR: The Gambia - Donor Round Table for PRSP Resource Mobilization (Gambia)
April 2007
CR: Ethiopia / Economic Growth Corridors (EGCs)/ Second MDG-based PRSP
December 2006
CR: Malaysia / Competitiveness of Higher Education in Malaysia (Malaysia, Higher Education, Competitiveness, quality)
December 2006
CR: Ghana Localization of MDGs
6 November 2006
CR: Malaysia: Strategies to bring basic services to rural remote communities
12 July 2006
CR: Moldova Experience in preparation of MDG Based PRS II
12 July 2006
CR: Comments: UN-HABITAT / Localising MDGs: A guide for municipalities and local partners? (Version 1)
15 May 2006
LIberia IPRSP Comparative Experience
18 May 2006
CR: Philippines Methodology of Meeting MDGs
25 April 2006
CR: Global Goals Local Solutions
25 April 2006
CR: UNDP / BDP - Consolidated Comments: Topic: Training Modules to Meet Country Demand for MDG-based Strategies
March 2006
CR: Consolidated Reply: Nepal /Corporate Social Responsibility
March 2006
CR: Methodologies to assess probability of meeting the MDGs (MDGNet)
17 November 2005
Requests experiences and advice on forecasting or predicting the probability of the achieving the MDGs, to be used in the national MDGR and advocacy purposes. A number of country examples are provided, although members also emphasize the inherent difficulties in using non-linear models to forecast.
CR: India/National strategies and studies for urban poverty reduction (MDGNet)
20 October 2005
Requests experiences studying urban poverty to feed into debate and preparation of a national strategy on urban poverty and support for the MDGs. Summary provides an overview of the distinct dimensions of urban poverty and different methods for assessing it. Includes a list of potential tools and a number of country examples.
CR: Rwanda/ Advice on MDG Costing
June 2005
Requests practical advice on how to go about an MDG costing exercise in Rwanda modeled on the initiative of the UN millennium project(examples of ToRs for assessment team, budgets and work plans for such initiatives elsewhere).
CR: Uzbekistan/ Consultant for Social Investment Fund and Community Mobilization
June 2005
Seeks an international consultant to provide all support for the development of the methodology and structure of the Social Investment Funds and create community based support networks using the Millennium Development Goals and their localization at a community level as a benchmark for identifying communities needs and facilitate their response in meeting them. Suggests 10 consultants with experience in local development and community mobilization.
CR: Cape Verde/TOR for a Macroeconomist to align the PRSP to the MDGs
May 2005
Requests TOR for a Macro Economist to lead the alignment of the PRS with the MDGs. 5 TORs and some potentially helpful methodologies and tools were shared.
CR: Europe and CIS / Designing social funds to avoid pitfalls?
August 2004
CR: Trinidad and Tobago / Reshaping social services to empower the poor
December 2004
CR: TOR for MDG Costing Expert - Sudan
April 2004
UNDP Sudan is in the process of preparing their national MDGR and need an expert regarding the costing exercise. Samples of TORs for an economist/consultant on MDG costing and training were requested.
CR: Sierra Leone - PRSP and MDGs Workshop (PRSP, workshop, MDGs preparatory stage)
April 2004
CR: Costing Women's Unpaid Work
26 February 2004
The responses received to this query highlighted the complexity of the issue of unpaid work and the range of associated issues and their incorporation into our work with MDGs. Most members contributed by drawing attention to literature on women's unpaid work. The query touches on complex areas of methodologies, statistics on time use, valuation of unpaid work and gender budgeting. What this query clarifies is that the process of data collection and statistical analysis, while critical to measuring progress in achieving the MDGs, is incomplete and does not allow us to realistically calculate the status of socio-economic development in most, if not all, countries.
CR: Request for recommendations on MDG Consultant (International)
January 2004
CR: Paraguay/National funding mechanisms for the MDGs?,
December 2003
CR: Jamaica - Resource person for high level retreat
October 2003
CR: Tunisia - Experiences with implementation of a Social Watch (social monitoring, marginalized groups, Tunisia, Social Watch)
September 2003
CR: Brazil - Facing up to poverty & vulnerability in open, vulnerable economies (Taxation)
September 2003
CR: Dominican Republic - Including education quality under Goal 2
July 2003
CR: Tajikistan - MDG Costing - TOR and Vacancy
June 2003
CR: Czech Republic - Experiences on Target 10 - Access to Water
June 2003
CR: Russia - MDG related activites in high income countries?
April 2003
CR: Kenya - Urgent request for MDG Costing TORs
April 2003
CR: MDG Process Support & Country Level Costing - South Africa
17 March 2003
March 17, 2003- Methodological query on MDG costing; avoiding double counting and the forms of country level support that can impact policy decisions. Reports from South Africa, Uganda, & Tanzania
CR: Southern Africa - Types of support for MDG processes by region/Support for country level MDG costing
February 2003
CR: Albania - Costing Methodology and Mobilizing Domestic Resources
October 2002
CR: Costing Methodologies & Mobilizing Domestic Support - Albania
25 October 2002
October 25, 2002- Comparative examples of MDG costing methodologies, issues, & strategies for mobilizing domestic resources with reports from Uganda, Philippines
CR: Nepal - Examples localising MDGs
August 2002
CR: Nepal - Costing MDGs
July 2002
CR: Costing MDGs - Nepal
10 July 2002
July 10, 2002- Discussion on costing MDG on a national level
Consolidated Reply UNDP Turkmenistan Support to Population Census Implementation Country Experiences
December 2007
Consolidated Reply: Trinidad and Tobago / Distribution of Public Housing
29 April 2008