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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
In this section you will find key documents on the Millenium Declaration and the MDGs, most frequent asked questions and realted links to the MD/MDGs.

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United Nations Millennium Declaration, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly 55/2
September 2000
Follow up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit
December 2000
Follow up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit, Draft resolution submitted to the General Assembly's Fifty fifth Session
The UN and the MDGs: A Core Strategy (UNDG Working Group on MDGs approved by the CEB)
June 2002
Report was composed by a UNDG Working Group on MDGs and approved by the CEB on 1 July 2002. The strategy focuses on action by the UN system at two levels - global and country supported by activities at the regional level. Action incorporates four core elements: (i) Monitoring (ii) Analysis (iii) Campaigning/mobilisation and (iv) Operational activities. At the global level the UN Strategy includes: The Secretary-General?s Reports to the General Assembly; The Millennium Project; and The Global Millennium Campaign. At the country level, the strategy includes: MDG Report tracking national progress in achieving MDGs; conducting country studies on strategies, investments and financing; and launching national millennium campaigns or movements.
The United Nations' role in the MDGs
Indicators for Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals
October 2003
This handbook provides guidance on the definitions, rationale, concepts and sources of data for each of the indicators that are used to monitor the MDG targets. It expands on an earlier exercise to provide the metadata for the socio-economic indicators that make up the UN Common Country Assessment Indicator Framework.

MDGs - 10 Frequently Asked Questions
February 2002
This document provides answers to questions such as: Are we on track to meet the MDGs by 2015? Are MDGs affordable?, Can the resources gap be bridged?, Is trade not more important than aid?, What are MDGRs?, and Why a global MDG campaign?
Millennium Development Goals - United Nations
Includes relevant press releases, web casts, fact sheets, graphs with global MDG data and the Secretary General's Annual Follow-up Reports on MDGs
World Bank - Millennium Development Goals
Includes: Data by goal and region with definitions and sources (available under 'Data'); explanations of each Goal in 'About the MDGs'; list of programs for increasing statistical capacity; colourful global bar charts and maps in 'Achieving the Goals'; research papers on the costs of attaining the MDGs, the history of development goals and development effectiveness.
FAO's Role on MDGs