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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
The UN Communications Group Working Group on Communication at the Country Level produces inter-agency decisions, agreements, tools, and guidance to promote more strategic, coherent and effective joint communication and advocacy by UN Country Teams for the collective benefit of the UN System and its stakeholders.

The group was established by the UN Communications Group 2008 Annual Meeting in response to requests from UN Country Teams—particularly the Delivering as One pilots—for more robust systemic support and guidance on communications issues. The group is mandated to explore means for increasing internal and inter-agency communications to support greater coherence and effectiveness in country operations. Among other responsibilities, the group has been tasked with determining “the ways and means of creating an inter-agency communications knowledge network, additional guidelines for strengthening UN Communication Groups at the country level, a roster of communications specialists available to assist country teams, and some common UN system communications materials describing development operations.”

To support UNCTs, the Working Group also develops guidance notes and messages for communicating about UN Coherence and other system-wide communications issues; joint communication planning guidance and support; strengthening internal and inter-agency communication; guidance on issuing joint statements; means of jointly providing training and learning opportunities for UNCT staff; issues related to visual identity and graphic guidelines; and UNCT website templates and other ICT issues as they pertain to communication.

The working group is facilitated by the UN Development Operations Coordination Office. Its specific themes and subjects are determined in its annual work plan.

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UNCG Working Group on Communications at the Country Level - Terms of Reference
February 2009
UNCG Working Group on Communications at the Country Level - Work Plan
February 2009
Communicate Together - Background note for UNCG Principals Annual Meeting (DOCO)
June 2008
Background note for the UN Communications Group detailing Delivering as One pilot requests for UN Communications Group guidance and Development Operations Coordination Office recommendations on UNCG-Country support.
Joint Communication in 2008
July 2009
Trends, good practices and lessons learned in joint communication from RC Annual Reports, the Delivering as One pilots stocktaking reports and further research.

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UNCG Working Group on Communication at the Country Level Meeting - 25 November 2008
November 2008
UNCG Working Group on Communication at the Country Level Meeting - 2 February 2009
February 2009
UNCG Working Group on Communication at the Country Level Meeting - 7 April 2009
April 2009
UNCG Working Group on Communication at the Country Level Meeting - 16 December 2009
December 2009
At this meeting Working Group members met with communications officers from the Delivering as One pilots to discuss joint communication and "One Voice". All relevant documents are on the pilots' workshop page linked below.
UNCG Working Group on Communication at the Country Level Meeting - 8 February 2010
February 2010
UNCG Working Group on Communication at the Country Level Meeting - 24 March 2010
March 2010
Documents Under Discussion
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