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Mitch Wagner's picture

Solve your Facebook privacy problem in under a minute

Facebook's privacy settings are a complicated mess. It's a full-time job just fine-tuning all the controls. But you can solve the problem in under a minute, and continue to enjoy Facebook. Here's how.

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Around the World's picture
Around the World

The best blogs from IDG

Facebook plans a privacy summit

Facing a growing chorus of dissatisfaction from users, pundits, critics, and lawmakers, Facebook is reportedly holding an all hands meeting on to address the company's latest privacy backlash. It's unknown what the social network intends to discuss at its meeting, but the company may consider temporarily suspending its new Instant Personalization feature, according to All Facebook.

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Barbara Krasnoff's picture
Barbara Krasnoff

The Interesting Bits ... and Bytes

Sprint's new HTC Evo 4G brings WiMax to the smartphone party

Hardware vendors have been holding press events to tout their latest gadgets for as long as there have been gadgets to tout, and those of us who have attended a lot of these tend to go with a rather world-weary attitude. However, Sprint's HTC Evo 4G could actually be worth all the brouhaha.

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SAP to buy Sybase for $5.8 billion

In today's podcast: SAP to buy Sybase for $5.8 billion; HTC hits Apple with ITC patent suit; and netbooks coming based on dual-core Atoms.

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Preston Gralla's picture
Preston Gralla

Seeing Through Windows

Adobe kills Apple with love

Adobe has unveiled a new weapon in its war with Apple: love. A full-page ad by Adobe in the New York Times today blares in giant type: We love Apple (with a heart instead of the word love). It then lists all the things that it loves about Apple, developers, and technology, and then scathingly slips in the knife.

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Jonny Evans's picture
Jonny Evans

Apple Holic

Battle's joined: Adobe co-founders launch war of words against Apple, Jobs over iPhone and Flash

Apple's refusal of Flash support on the iPhone, "could undermine this next chapter of the Web - the chapter in which mobile devices outnumber computers, any individual can be a publisher, and content is accessed anywhere and at any time," say Adobe co-founders, Chuck Geschke and John Warnock.

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Sharky's picture

Shark Tank

At least it was a well-documented procedure

Pilot fish is working on solving a problem at a user's desk when the user asks about something unrelated: Is it possible to change a weekly report so it prints out a customer's entire ID number, instead of just the beginning of it?

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IT Blogwatch's picture
IT Blogwatch

A Daily Digest of IT Blogs from Richi Jennings

iPhone & iPad patent wars: Apple vs. HTC... FIGHT!

HTC fires back, defending itself against Apple's patent complaint. The Droid-maker wants iPhone and iPad removed from sale. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers break out the ringside popcorn. Not to mention Samurai Wars...

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Robert L. Mitchell's picture

From bare metal to pay as you go: Citrix bares all

Among the more interesting developments at Synergy: A pay as you go NetScaler app accleration appliance, bare metal implementation of McAfee software that runs alongside the XenClient hypervisor are intriguing developments with interesting repercussions.

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Richi Jennings's picture
Richi Jennings

The Long View

Some thoughts on the Facebook backlash

This morning's IT Blogwatch talked about Facebook and the growing discontent amongst users: mainly over privacy issues, but also the closed and centralized nature of the system. This seems to be far more than the head-in-the-clouds musings of a bunch of privacy wonks. For an increasing number of innocent internet users, Facebook is the internet; are we in danger of selling them short? Let's take The Long View...

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Amir Lev's picture
Amir Lev

Security Levity

Spammer tricks: unnatural acts with spam filters

This week's Security Levity is a follow-on from last week's. I want to talk about one more spammer trick: how they misuse spam filters, to try to get delivered to the inbox. I have first-hand intelligence confirming what many spam fighters have long-suspected...

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Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols's picture

Too many Ubuntus?

Canonical recently announced two new Ubuntu Linux distributions. Is that two too many?

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David Intersimone's picture
David Intersimone

Once More into the Code

11 best computer authors: A programmer's perspective

I've created my top eleven list (in alphabetical order by last name) of best programming and software engineering book authors (some are a combination of authors that often write together as well as individually) and listings of some of their definitive works.

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Michael Horowitz's picture
Michael Horowitz

Defensive Computing

Warning! You have administrator rights

AntiVir warns Windows users if they are running with administrator rights. And, Windows 7 users that think UAC keeps them safe, even when running as an administrator, are ill-informed.

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Sharon Machlis's picture
Sharon Machlis

Machlis Musings

HP buys Palm: A Pre owner's view

Does HP have the know-how to get more apps on the webOS platform? Do they even want to?

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