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  • Ipswich: Face to face with the realities of coalition

    3 May 2010: John Harris: Video: What do you get when you cross a Tory with a Lib Dem? Cuts, cuts, cuts


Wrinkle picker

Veteran rocker Iggy Pop is touring the UK with his band The Stooges and no performance would be complete without his trademark bare torso. But the ravages of time are catching up: is it time for Iggy to keep his shirt on?



Thread of the day

  1. Best of the Web

  2. 1. National journal: Do 'family values' weaken families?
    If you want to find stable two-parent families, bypass Palin country and go to Pelosi territory
  3. 2. Raincoat optimism: Don't vote for the BNP
    Britain faces many problems, some of which have yet to be realised yet before we've reached that worrying period of austerity and cutbacks, but the British National Party are not the solution
  4. 3. Alternet: Crazy? Stupid?
    Tea Party supporters are neither
  5. 4. Stephen Fry: How I will vote...
    This country cannot proceed along any lines that make sense or promise hope unless we can all get along no matter how we vote (tip via jmcesteves on Twitter)
  6. 5. Liberal Conspiracy: Sunder Katwala
    This is how the Tories plan to seize power in a Hung Parliament (tip via BickerRecord on Twitter)

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