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Is this Cameron’s platform for Downing Street?

April 30th, 2010
Who won final debate? ICM AR YouGov ComRes Populus
Cameron 35% 36% 41% 35% 38%
Clegg 27% 30% 32% 33% 38%
Brown 29% 23% 25% 26% 25%

Debate polling - the final figures

All of the pollsters agree that it was Dave wot did it - though Populus has him sharing the top slot with Clegg.

Meanwhile the phone pollster that operates in a very similar manner, ICM for the Guardian, had the Lib Dem leader in bottom place.

Martin Kettle in the Guardian has one of the best overall verdicts: “..The central character in the three-man drama that has so energised British politics this month is neither Brown nor Clegg but David Cameron. It is Cameron who, after a bad debut two weeks ago came back with a stronger performance last week and who, in Jeremy Hunt’s phrase, faced the most important job interview of his life. You may not want to know this, but my impression is that most viewers will judge that he passed. Better start getting used to it.”

It is hard to disagree. The one question remaining is whether he gets an overall majority or not.

Mike Smithson


The post mortem - continued

April 29th, 2010


The Debate - the verdict

April 29th, 2010

Watch the Angus Reid poll results come in live. It will be on here from 10pm.