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Development experiences from the developing world">
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Kenya braces for a food shortage

Unable to afford the fresh produce she needs for her roadside fruit stand, Susan Nyawera Kihia is going out of business. She and many others in Kenya are resigned to a national food deficit

Article photoRays of hope for Darfur refugees

Solar cookers brought to refugee camps in Darfur and Chad by Rachel Andres, this year's recipient of the Charles Bronfman humanitarian award, have transformed the lives of the camps' women

Article photoDebating the 'geography of hope'

The annual Skoll World Forum has taken place in Oxford, attracting socially conscious delegates from around the world, among them Al Gore and Jimmy Carter. Michael Smith describes the scene

Bolivians against the coca ban

As a UN narcotics body sparks outrage in Bolivia by attempting to ban the use of coca leaves, indigenous farmer Saturnino Mamani explains why he can't survive without his livelihood

Pumps make a splash in Africa

To mark World Water Day, Zimbabwean well blaster Thelma Mukuchura talks about establishing sustainable supplies of clean water in sub-Saharan Africa

Mumbai's migrants hung out to dry

North Indian immigrant Mohammed Ali works in Mumbai as a washer. He says he feels threatened by the recent wave of hostility levelled against 'outsiders' such as himself

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