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  1. @theillien I am sure @moritheil 's shirt was glorious. But anime shirts are not "the new cool". C'mon now, let's live in reality!
  2. @moritheil Here is the answer to your question: NO
  3. History Channel should rename 'Chasing Mummies' to 'Pyramid Asshole'
  4. @vichussmith I'm pretty sure the idea was "Well, He-man's costume is pretty gay but not THAT gay. No way are they the same guy!"
  5. oh boy you can swap heads! hello nightmare fuel http://yfrog.com/9gt2uj
  6. Welp pretty sure this is making my apartment at least 23 percent gayer http://yfrog.com/nb6t3j
  7. @doctorfailure Awesome news man! Congrats!
  8. @pandadice Neither Justin nor I are going to Otakon.
  9. @moritheil I think we've sourced them a couple times. Note it's always about the same subject.
  10. @edsizemore See, that's the thing - most of the active blogosphere seems to be on the east coast, so we'll get a snarktastic audience!
  11. Gonna try to do a live ANNCast at NYAF. You east coast kids are a tough crowd, though.
  12. @marcFBR Well, I'm not here to cause anyone any trouble. I'll DM you if I have comments from now on.
  13. @marcFBR I know you're on the up and up; my comment was about how it looks, not how it is. That's all.
  14. @MarcFBR Giving a glowing review to a tee-shirt and then mentioning an upcoming contest smacks of payola so hard we'd be pilloried for it.
  15. @MarcFBR So the contention is that because we've mentioned tee-shirts on the site before my snark is somehow dumb or hypocritical?
  16. @marcFBR I'm not sure what "shirt articles" your mysterious DMs are referring to which are clearly trying to make me out to be a hypocrite
  17. @MarcFBR to my knowledge we've never run a t-shirt review that also teased an upcoming contest from said promotional concern.
  18. @marcFBR Congrats, you're in mommy blog territory.
  19. @michaeltoole Please tell me the Anime Cult Classics panel is just 2 episodes of Riff Raff and the Junkyard Cats.
  20. @sasuraiger The point is... you're alive when they start to rush you