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Video (1min 22sec): Patrick Blower: Livedraw: Imagining England along the route of the proposed London to Birmingham hi-speed rail when it opens in 15 years


Keep porn out of politics?

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has defended Anna Arrowsmith, a parliamentary candidate who runs an "adult entertainment" company (she also has an MA in philosophy). Do you think the porn connection will harm her electoral prospects?



Thread of the day

  1. Best of the Web

  2. 1. On being a black lawyer: Law firm diversity
    The American Lawyer released its Diversity Scorecard 2010 issue. We were reminded of that quote attributed to Malcolm X: When White America catches a cold, Black America catches pneumonia
  3. 2. Tyee: Visiting the greatest baseball player
    Who was better than Ruth? 'The Immortal,' but bigotry barred him from playing in the majors
  4. 3. Liberal Conspiracy: Beware the deflation lobby
    Inflation disorders commerce, and transfers wealth from the saver to the debtor, something that must have appalled any right-thinking Victorian
  5. 4. Washington Note: It's the economy, stupid
    Cuba has less cash on hand to buy U.S. goods, and has increasingly been buying from Brazil, Vietnam, China and elsewhere on revolving credit - something the United States exporters can't do
  6. 5. Bitch Phd: Wait a minute, Mr Postman
    I hear the United States Postal Service is considering eliminating six-day-a-week delivery. If carried out, this would be the second major retreat from customer service by the Post Office in my lifetime

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