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  • Posted 12/7/09 at 10:00 AM
  • Finance Non-Fiction

Neel Kashkari on Stress Eating, Hank Paulson’s Dry Heaves, and the ‘Enduring Headache at the Center of His Brain’

When Neel Kashkari was tapped as the TARP inspector general, the 35-year-old Goldman Sachs alumnus was thrust under a spotlight so bright and hot that most people would have been reduced to ash. As the face of the $700 billion bailout, he instantly had 300 million enemies. His life was turned upside down, his high-school yearbook photos were published, he was battered to a bloody pulp in front of Congress (figuratively), and, oh yes, he had the economy to save. So it's little wonder that since his term ended, Kashkari has been in the woods of California with his wife, dieting and decompressing by immersing himself in the Kafkaesque task of building a backyard shed, which seems to have little purpose other than to be a vessel for memories of his trauma. What is a wonder is his decision to let Washington Post reporter Laura Blumenfeld into his life and basically spill his entire guts to her. As a public-relations move, (Kashkari has said he has political aspirations, though it seems he doesn't anymore) this was either the worst idea ever, the most brilliant idea ever, or both.

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  • Posted 12/7/09 at 09:50 AM
  • Early and Often
Threats Against Obama Now at Normal Levels

After an initial spike when he took office, threats against the life of President Obama "have leveled off in recent months, officials said, and Mr. Obama now receives about the same as his two most recent predecessors." [NYT]

  • Posted 12/7/09 at 09:30 AM
  • Tiger Catches Tail

Meet Cori Rist, Manhattan’s Latest Addition to the Tiger Woods Scandal

This weekend saw a bundle of new ladies linked to Tiger Woods, the married golf superstar whose life was upended over Thanksgiving after a mysterious car crash and reports of marital infidelity. We've just learned about Mindy Lawton, the Florida cocktail waitress who said she "looked like a rag doll" after sex with Tiger. There are also an unnamed Florida woman who's lawyered up and two women in Britain — one famous broadcaster and another who is only known to be a "sex-addicted cougar." But not to be outdone, Manhattan produced another of its own to contribute to this mess: Cori Rist, who follows in the footsteps of Rachel Uchitel, the first New York club girl to be linked to Woods.

So who is this woman? And why does the Post have pictures of her in her underwear? »

  • Posted 12/7/09 at 01:30 AM
  • The Greatest Depression

TARP Will Cost $200 Billion Less Than Expected


Obama: "Let's spend the money on jobs." Boehner: "That's dumb."

The projected long-term cost of the Troubled Asset Relief Program will be cut by more than $200 billion thanks to speedy repayments by large banks and government spending on efforts to help stabilize financial markets. Back in August the Treasury department said TARP would cost $341 billion over the next ten years, but a new estimate puts that number at $141 billion, meaning the government now has $200 billion to play with. The White House has expressed interest in using that money on a jobs bill. Republicans, who want to use it to pay down the deficit, think spending the money on a jobs bill is a bad idea. Or, in the words, of House Minority Leader John Boehner: "The worst idea I've ever heard."

Estimated TARP Cost Is Cut by $200 Billion [WSJ]

  • Posted 12/7/09 at 12:15 AM
  • Fanny Packs
The Bronx’s Strange New Tourist Attraction

Next time you have the misfortune of entertaining out-of-towners, you might want to prepare yourself for more than the usual trips to the Empire State Building and Magnolia Bakery. Apparently a mural in the Bronx dedicated to the memory of Amadou Diallo, the unarmed black man shot by police in 1999, is the city's hottest new tourist destination. "Amadou Diallo is like the Disneyland of the Bronx," a tour guide told the Daily News. [NYDN]


  • Posted 12/6/09 at 11:45 PM
  • Bad Ideas

CBS Encourages People to Give the Gift of a Pap Smear

In a new series of public service announcements, CBS is encouraging people to give the gift of healthy lady parts. "Want to do something special for your woman this Christmas?" actor Chris Beetem asks. "Schedule her pap smear. Pap smears save lives." It's hard to argue with CBS's intentions here. Saving lives is great! But if anyone actually gives his lady friend a Pap smear for the holidays, he'll be the one in need of medical care.

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  • Posted 12/6/09 at 10:10 PM
  • White House

Salahis Weren't the First to Dupe the Secret Service

Tareq and Michaele Salahi may have squeaked by a Secret Service checkpoint and gotten close enough to the president to smell his hair, but they are by no means the first. In 2003 the Secret Service compiled a report of every time crazies breached its lines since 1980 and the number totaled an astounding 91. According to the Washington Post, the list includes:

officers mistakenly admitting to the White House grounds a family in a minivan, a man believed to be a delivery driver, and a woman previously known to agents after she had falsely claimed a "special relationship" with Bill Clinton.

Of those 91 mostly harmless gatecrashing incidents, the intruders reached the president only eight times. The Salahis, however, were the first to feel-up the vice-president.

Secret Service listed 91 breaches
[Washington Post]

  • Posted 12/6/09 at 8:55 PM
  • Health Carnage
Obama Pushes Dems to Pass Health Care Already, Geez

President Obama made a rare Sunday visit to Capitol Hill today to rally Democrats behind the Senate health care bill. He spoke to the Democratic caucus about how the bill is the "most significant social legislation in decades," and, according to Sen. Joe Lieberman, "cost-containment provisions ... the insurance market reforms and ... enabling 30 million more people to get insurance." One thing he didn't talk about: the public option. [NYT]

  • Posted 12/6/09 at 4:55 PM
  • Tiger Woods
The Least Likely Tiger Woods Bedmate Yet Comes Forward

Skank week '09 continues: another lady, Mindy Lawton, has come forward to say she had sex with Tiger Woods. This one says stuff like: "Sometimes I looked like a rag doll after we'd made love." The whole story is pretty gross, so we're just going to assume it's not true. [News of the World]

  • Posted 12/6/09 at 4:49 PM
  • Rudy
Giuliani Signs on as Rio Olympics Security Consultant

Rudy Giuliani has taken a job helping to fight crime in Rio de Janeiro. Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes says "He's going to help us in day-to-day security and, especially, with an eye toward the [2010] World Military Games and the Olympic Games." [New York Post]

  • Posted 12/6/09 at 10:36 AM
  • America's Sweetheart

Sarah Palin Jokes About Death Panels at Gridiron Dinner

Sarah Palin was one of the guests at the annual Gridiron dinner for D.C. journalists, and while the dinner is usually a strictly off-the-record affair, this year organizers made an exception. Politico reports that the Maverick joked that being there was like being in front of a death panel, and made frequent references to her book and book tour, comparing it to the McCain/Palin campaign: "The view is so much better inside the bus than under the bus." Then she sang a parody of "The 12 Days of Christmas" about Rush Limbaugh. She's definitely getting slightly better joke writers.

Palin Cracks Wise at Gridiron Dinner [Politico]

  • Posted 12/6/09 at 10:28 AM
  • Foxy Knoxy

U.S. Senator Expresses Concern About Amanda Knox Verdict

The New York Times reports on the growing controversy surrounding the verdict in the Amanda Knox trial. A Senator is now getting involved:

"Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington, said, “I have serious questions about the Italian justice system and whether anti-Americanism tainted this trial.” She added, “The prosecution did not present enough evidence for an impartial jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Knox was guilty.”

Verdict in Italy, but American's Case Isn't Over [NYT]


  • Posted 12/5/09 at 5:32 PM
A Fourth Tiger Woods Paramour is About to Come Forward

"But what about Orlando?," we've all been asking this whole week. "Did Tiger have a very young cocktail waitress with whom to sleep when he visited the Magic Kingdom in O-Town?" According to reports, yes. A fourth woman has come forward (or is reportedly about to come forward) to say that she and Tiger had a relationship that started in 2004, when she was 20. The as-yet-unnamed woman has reportedly hired a lawyer in preparation for her impending notoriety. Maybe if we all say we had sex with Tiger Woods we can make this stop. [E!]

  • Posted 12/5/09 at 5:04 PM
  • Sad Things
Alexa Ray Joel Hospitalized for Sleeping Pill Overdose

The New York Post is reporting that Alexa Ray Joel, the 23-year-old musician daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley, was found by her roommate this afternoon after an apparent overdose of sleeping pills. She was rushed to St. Vincent's hospital and is now in stable condition according to her publicist. The police are treating the incident as a suicide attempt. [NYP]

  • Posted 12/5/09 at 2:40 PM
  • darpa

Keep a Look Out For Red Balloons Today

You've got to follow your balloon.

You've got to follow your balloon.

Today's the day that internet-creating military research wing DARPA placed 10 tethered balloons all around the U.S., giving the most well-coordinated team that finds them all first the chance to win $40,000.

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  • Posted 12/5/09 at 12:45 PM
  • Foxy Knoxy

Amanda Knox's Family Reacts to Guilty Verdict: "In That Country You Have to Save Face"

Amanda Knox and her boyfriend were found guilty on all counts yesterday by an Italian court. The ITN news service has released video of her family back in the US reacting to the announcement of the verdict. Knox's aunt, Janet Huff, said what a lot of us are thinking:

"In that country there's a lot of you have to save face, you have to do things so that you don't look bad and I think that if they admitted that she was not guilty then they would be admitting that they made a mistake in the first place, and that's not something they were willing to admit."

The New York Times today has the details of what many are concerned was an odd and unbalanced trial.

Watch »

  • Posted 12/5/09 at 11:26 AM
  • Scandals

Senator Max Baucus Nominated His Girlfriend for Federal Prosecutor Job

Senator Max Baucus Nominated His Girlfriend for Federal Prosecutor Job

Photo: Getty Images

A spokesman for Senator Max Baucus, chairman of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, revealed in an emailed statement today that Baucus nominated his girlfriend for a federal prosecutor position earlier this year. Melodee Hanes was on Baucus's staff at the time, and Baucus also recommended two others for the position. In his statement, Baucus's spokesman Tyler Matsdorf explained that Ms. Hanes changed her mind about the nomination:

"While her personal relationship with Senator Baucus should in no way be either a qualifier or a disqualifier for the position, during the nomination process and after much reflection, both Senator Baucus and Ms. Hanes agreed that she should withdraw her name from consideration because they wanted to live together in Washington, D.C."

And then, oddly because as far as we know nobody has asked, Matsdorf pre-emptively defended the relationship itself from criticism:

"In no way was their relationship the cause of their respective divorces." »


  • Posted 12/4/09 at 6:12 PM
  • Foxy Knoxy

Amanda Knox Found Guilty

Wow: After a long, sensational trial, a jury in Perugia, Italy, has found American exchange student Amanda Knox guilty of stabbing her British roommate, Meredith Kercher, to death two years ago, despite a startling lack of physical evidence. Her Italian boyfriend, who was accused of helping her slash her roommate's throat during a "sex game gone wrong," has already been convicted and is serving 25 years in prison. Knox, now 22, has been sentenced to 26 years in prison. Together, the pair will have to pay the family of Meredith Kercher $7 million, in part to ensure that this follows them for the rest of their lives.

Update: Apparently, the jury was "captivated" by an animated movie made by the prosecution that laid out what supposedly happened. A CNN reporter described the "reenactment" (imagineactment?) as being of "Lara Croft"–level quality.

Related: Perugia's Prime Suspect [VF]

  • Posted 12/4/09 at 6:10 PM
  • Tiger Catches Tail

‘By Sleeping With a Married Man, You’re Only Helping Him Stay Married’

The more we hear from Ashley Dupré, the former prostitute who brought down Governor Eliot Spitzer, the more we realize that she is the lone voice of reason in this whole Tiger Woods infidelity scandal. (Why is she involved in the first place? Who cares! Not us.) Last night she appeared on Andy Cohen's Bravo show, Watch What Happens Live, and chatted about what she thinks of the ladies. First, she says, Elin Nordegrin, Woods's wife, should try to ignore all the noise about these women and not try to reach out to them. "I feel that right now she needs to focus on herself, and they need to work on their marriage and they need to go to therapy," she said. "They have a lot of work to do." She also says, regarding the reports of money transfers to Nordegrin in order to get her to stay, that from her experience in these situations, "probably 95 percent" of what the media reports from so-called "friends" is not true. As for advice to the women, like Rachel Uchitel (who is getting a bruising from the parents of her late fiancé who died on 9/11), who may have had hopes for a future with Woods, she delivers a pearl of hooker wisdom: "By sleeping with a married man, you're only helping him stay married." Think about that, people. Think long and hard. At least long and hard enough to forget that we devoted an entire post to what a twentysomething former prostitute thinks about a professional athlete she doesn't know and the affairs he may or may not be having.

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  • Posted 12/4/09 at 6:01 PM
  • The Geithnerator


“The entire U.S. financial system and all the major firms in the country, and even small banks across the country, were at that moment at the middle of a classic run, a classic bank run,” the Treasury secretary told Bloomberg today, in response to a question about Goldman Sachs's repeated insistence that it would have survived without government intervention. “None of them would have survived a situation in which we had let that fire try to burn itself out."

Okay, you think. From the pitch of Tim's voice and the redness in his ears, this is obviously getting to be a very sore subject; perhaps now Goldman Sachs will take stock of its situation, its robust health, luck with the ladies and general awesomeness, kiss itself on each one of its toned biceps and let the little guy have this one by admitting defeat? Sorry, no: "We didn’t know what was going to happen and were very glad as a result of government intervention we didn’t have to find out," spokesman Lucas Van Praag responded.

Geithner Slams Bonuses, Says Banks Would Have Failed [Bloomberg]

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