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  • Posted 11/16/09 at 12:41 AM
  • In Other News
Lou Dobbs Departure from CNN Was Cool With CNN

Lou Dobbs didn't give any clues about his next move in an interview with the AP this weekend, but he did reveal that his break-up with CNN was amicable. Basically, he wanted to get out and they were okay with that. He was getting tired of their nagging and they were getting tired of having to nag. They wished each other the best and moved on. It's all for the best. They were tired of him keeping his retainer at their place anyway. [AP]


  • Posted 11/15/09 at 11:55 PM
  • Miracle on the Hudson

Sully and Langewiesche in Nerdy Pilot Argument

Sully and Langewiesche in Nerdy Pilot Argument

Photo: AP

In his new book Fly By Wire: The Geese, the Glide, the Miracle on the Hudson, Vanity Fair scribe William Langewiesche writes that part of the reason Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger was able to heroically land a plane on the Hudson is because the model plane he was flying has an automated cockpit. Bullshit, says Sully. Except he said it like a hero would say it:

'Fly By Wire' "greatly overstates how much it mattered," Sully told the Times. “Others in the industry knowledgeable about these technical issues know there are misstatements of fact in ‘Fly by Wire'. There are some situations where the automation will protect a pilot, but at the same time a highly automated airplane makes possible other types of errors so it’s a mixed blessing.”

Langewiesche said it was important to examine the role automation played in landing flight 1549 on the river. “I don’t think its role is critical, but it was functioning, but its part of the story, ” he said. The he went on about vectors and clearance and seat backs and tray tables and it all stopped making sense.

Sullenberger Takes Issue With New Book
[City Room/NYT]

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 10:45 PM
  • Made-Off

People Willing to Pay a Lot of Money for Junk Because it Belonged to the Madoffs

So, how did that auction of Bernie and Ruth Madoff's stuff go? Great! It was expected to raise half a million dollars for the victims of Bernie's fraud and ended up bringing in more than twice that. Here's how: A pair of Cartier onyx and diamond earrings sold for $70,000 and another pair of Ruth's diamond earrings went for the same amount. Bernie's shiny Mets jacket, complete with his name embroidered on the back, sold for $14,500. Three wooden duck decoys seized from the Madoff's Montauk beach home went for $11,500 and the address sign that was once in front of that house sold for $2,000. Bernie's 1960 Hofstra class ring sold for $6,000. And the most awesome piece of the lot, a white life preserver painted with the words "Bullship N.Y." went for $7,500, more than fifty times the $140 estimate.

Madoff Auction Brings in More Than $1 Million [WSJ]


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  • Posted 11/15/09 at 9:21 PM
  • Pet Police
Mother and Son Call Cops on Cat

Take this to the water cooler tomorrow: A 16-pound cat named Carmen held her owners hostage in their Midtown apartment yesterday until police arrived and corralled her. [NYP]

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 8:34 PM
  • International Intrigue

Vladimir Putin Relates to Russian Youth

In what one Moscow newspaper called "a desperate move" to appeal to Russia's youth, Vladimir Putin presented an award on a music channel this weekend and kind of made a fool of himself. Doing his best to look cool, in a turtleneck and windbreaker, Putin warned his young friends about the hazards of drugs and vodka. Then he weighed in on some pressing issues of the day:

"Rap, even urban rap and street rap, is kind of crude, but is already filled with social content and addresses the problems of youth. Graffiti is becoming a real art form - refined and polished. Break dancing is something completely unique."

So, that's how the Russian president feels about hip-hop, graffiti and break dancing. You were wondering, right?

Vladimir Putin turns to rap and break-dancing [Telegraph]

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 4:29 PM
  • America's Sweetheart

Sarah Palin Calls Bristol's Pregnancy "Shocking"

ABC has released the first of what will surely be many promos for the multi-platform (GMA, Nightline, World News, and 20/20) ratings-grabber that will culminate in Barbara Walters' interview with Sarah Palin on Friday. It's basically going to be Sarah Palin week. In the promo, Sarah confesses that she and First Dude Todd had no idea that their daughter Bristol was sexually active until they found out she was pregnant. If you watch closely, when Sarah says "truthfully, we were devastated" she looks like she's about to cry after all.

Watch »

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 3:09 PM
  • Terror

Rudy Giuliani: 'I Didn't Think We Were in the Business of Granting the Requests of Terrorists'

Rudy Giuliani was on ABC's This Week this morning, making his feelings known about the announcement that the 9/11 planners will be tried in Manhattan next year. He's really, really against it, saying it puts the city at risk for more attacks and gives the terrorists exactly what they want.

Watch »

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 2:06 PM
  • New Jersey
The New York Post Shows its Usual Respect for Jim McGreevey's Life Choices

"Gay American" Jim McGreevey is spending his Sunday mornings with a new man -- Jesus."

From an article about McGreevey's training to become an Episcopal priest. They also caption a photo of McGreevey working "Holy Shift!", and continue to call McGreevey the "luv guv." [NYP]

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 1:15 PM
  • America's Sweetheart

Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin Are Totally Going to Get Coffee and Become BFFs

"Bill always leaves the toilet seat up, too!"

Hillary Clinton was on Meet the Press this morning via satellite from Singapore, where she talked about such important issues as the trial of the 9/11 plotters, our country's relations with China, whatever should we do about Afghanistan, and the challenges of closing Gitmo. But when asked about the part of Sarah Palin's book where Palin says that she and Clinton would disagree about many issues if they ever got coffee, Hillary totally said she would get coffee with her, omg! Reuters reports that Hillary's exact words were:

"I absolutely would look forward to having coffee."

Also, apparently the two have never met? Which seems weird. Anyway, the real point is: why do male world leaders get to have BEER together to resolve their differences, while women are forced to settle for mere coffee? Those two should be getting together over a bunch of Cosmos or whatever women their age think is a cool drink now, not some weak, anxiety-producing latte. Duh.

Hillary is Open to Coffee with Sarah Palin
[Reuters via Washington Post]

  • Posted 11/15/09 at 12:30 PM
  • Health Carnage

Reps Recited Same Lobbyist's Script in House Health Care Debate

One of big pharma's puppets

One of big pharma's puppets

The New York Times has learned that Genentech, a subsidiary of the Swiss drugmaker Roche, was able to get an estimated 42 House members from both sides of the aisle to use their exact talking points, written by their lobbyist, Matthew L. Berzok, in the congressional record of the health care debate. And the Genentech folks are the ones who provided that estimate! Proudly! The most depressing part of this investigation is that nobody is even denying it:

"Asked about the Congressional statements, a lobbyist close to Genentech said: “This happens all the time. There was nothing nefarious about it.”

We're not being naive idealists here -- it's impossible to read this entire article without getting a little depressed. We all know our lawmakers are ventriloquist dummies for big corporations, but we'd like to think it's a little less literal than this.

In House, Many Spoke with One Voice: Lobbyist's


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  • Posted 11/14/09 at 6:45 PM
  • Teachers

The Times Asks: Should Teachers Sell Lesson Plans?

An article in the New York Times today outlines the pros and cons of teachers selling their lesson plans to other teachers online, and there are decent arguments on each side, but we found one aspect kind of odd: the Times repeatedly mentions the vacations, home improvements, and other "extravagances" teachers buy with their lesson-plan money. You know, exactly the way they would mention all that stuff if these teachers were thieves or Bernard Madoff instead of entrepreneurs. It's bizarre:

"While some of this extra money is going to buy books and classroom supplies in a time of tight budgets, the new teacher-entrepreneurs are also spending it on dinners out, mortgage payments, credit card bills, vacation travel and even home renovation."

EVEN home renovation? Even? The article goes on to mention over and over the personal products and services upon which teachers are spending the money they make selling lesson plans of their own invention. It seems like, if this were any other profession, they would just say "They sell something, legally, and then keep the money, spending it on themselves the way they do their salaries."

Selling Lessons Online Raises Cash and Questions

  • Posted 11/14/09 at 4:30 PM
  • Joe Biden
Joe Biden Will be the Guest on The Daily Show Tuesday

Vice President Joe Biden will be the guest on Tuesday night's Daily Show, his third appearance on the show and the first since being elected Vice President. Obviously, we all hope he says something funny. [NYT]

  • Posted 11/14/09 at 3:40 PM
  • America's Sweetheart
The AP Fact-Checks Sarah Palin's Book

The AP strikes the latest blow to Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue, simply by fact-checking it and finding that Palin not only makes many assertions that could not stand up to any kind of rational scrutiny, but also just plain-old gets facts wrong. So, basically, the woman knows her audience. A lot of people are still going to buy this book. [AP via NYT]

  • Posted 11/14/09 at 11:15 AM
  • Carrie Prejean

Carrie Prejean Might Have Seven Other Sex Tapes

Beauty is on the inside.

Beauty is on the inside.

Ah, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie. Don't you see that we'll all leave you alone forever when you stop positioning yourself as a champion of good old-fashioned Christian values and a martyr for the right and just embrace your true human nature as somebody who likes to show off your pretty body to boys to whom you are unmarried?

Read more »

  • Posted 11/14/09 at 10:06 AM
  • Today in Terror

9/11 Families Divided About NYC Terror Trials

Yesterday's announcement that five accused 9/11 plotters will finally face civilian trials in downtown Manhattan next year has families of the victims feeling emotions ranging from a desire to see justice finally served in the place where the murders happened, to firm opposition against the "circus" of a trial so close to the former site of the towers. It seems from this article that most 9/11 family members who oppose the news are actually against any trial at all, and would like to see the alleged plotters summarily executed.
Trial Venue Leaves 9/11 Families Angry or Satisfied [NYT]


  • Posted 11/13/09 at 5:58 PM
  • Media Deathwatch

Budget Travel Shuttering?

We hear from multiple sources that Budget Travel, the popular discount-vacation magazine, is shutting down, and that the announcement will be made to the press on Monday. Apparently, the offices of the title, which is owned by the Washington Post Company, are already emptying out. The company had a 33 percent drop in revenue for their magazine division in the most recent quarter, compared to the third quarter last year — but they attributed it publicly to losses in ad revenue at Newsweek. Budget Travel, which was founded by travel legend Arthur Frommer, is run by the Newsweek group. We have a call in to reps for the magazine for confirmation, and will update if we hear back. (Editor-in-chief Nina Willdorf replied to our inquiry only with: "Heading out of town. Can't talk. You can call me Monday.") If it's true, this is very sad — for readers, for employees, and for all of us — that people can't even afford to travel on a budget anymore.

  • Posted 11/13/09 at 5:25 PM
  • Photo Op

The Madoff Auction: Everything But Bernie’s Underwear

A representative of Gaston & Sheehan shows off some of Ruth Madoff's gently used purses.

A representative of Gaston & Sheehan shows off some of Ruth Madoff's gently used purses.

Over at the Sheraton Towers in midtown today, assorted tourists and gawkers were checking out a preview of the auction of belongings the U.S. Marshals had seized from the estate of Bernard Madoff, which will be officially for sale at 10 a.m. tomorrow. The bulk of the things on offer is jewelry belonging to Ruth Madoff, and the Ponzi schemer's famed Rolex collection, which was laid out in well-lit cases alongside the various other trinkets Feds have seized in recent years, including a "grill" mouthpiece studded with rhinestones and tiny rose-gold crosses and a fourteen-karat, diamond-studded pendant reading "4 Life or Death." "How would you like that?" a stubby gentleman asked the woman with him, a tall, Louis Vuitton–toting blonde. They both laughed.

It was all a little creepily voyeuristic.... »

  • Posted 11/13/09 at 4:41 PM
  • In Other News

ABC Eyeing George Stephanopoulos for GMA: It’s Real, and It Might Be Happening

Charles Gibson:

Charles Gibson: "Really? That little guy?"Photo: AP

The buzz for a while now, since it was announced that Diane Sawyer was going to take over World News Tonight in January, has been that ABC was considering George Stephanopolous to replace her at Good Morning America. Stephanopoulos hosts the weekend political show This Week and subs in occasionally on GMA. Rebecca Dana over at the Daily Beast reports that not only is the scuttlebutt true, but ABC News president David Westin has all but offered the former Clinton press secretary the job. “It’s George’s now to lose," a source told Dana. If Stephanopoulos takes the job, of course, several other questions arise.

What happens to Chris Cuomo, for example? »

  • Posted 11/13/09 at 3:45 PM
  • The Greatest Show of Our Time

Gossip Girl Is Impressed With Your Natural Talents

Oh, S.

Oh, S.

As we pointed out in our exhaustive recap on Tuesday, Gossip Girl followed its usual patterns this week — Jenny was a bitch, Blair plotted to take someone down, Serena was a slut, etc. Once again, you all applauded this week's nineties cultural reference (we are all forever indebted to you, Cher Horowitz), and agreed that the rightful queen is obviously Eric. Most of you weren't thrilled about the threesome's combo of unsexy characters and unsexy scenes, but don't worry, commenters — next week there are threesome flashbacks AND Lady Gaga! Here's hoping Serena doesn't take a cue from her nipple pasties. Anyway, on to your best comments, brought to you this week by excellently named commenter dorota4life.

Read more »

  • Posted 11/13/09 at 3:10 PM
  • Equal Rites
Senate Democrat: Marriage Equality Should Get Another Go on Tuesday

"I’m going to assume that my colleagues in both parties who said that they wanted to bring this bill to the floor but felt that it was more important that we actually deal with the deficit reduction first, since that’s why we were in Albany, I’m going to take them at their word ... So, once we finish the deficit reduction, then we can proceed with bringing marriage equality to the floor." —State Senator Diane Savino [Daily Politics/NYDN]

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