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About ANN

  1. What is Anime News Network (ANN)?
  2. What is anime?
  3. What is manga?
  4. Who operates ANN?
  5. Who is the blond haired mascot?
  6. How often do you update?
  7. Under what settings is ANN best viewed?
  8. How do I find older articles on ANN?
  9. What was used to make the site, as well as maintain it?
  10. How do I get permission to reprint an ANN Story, or obtain an ANN graphic or photo?
  11. How many people hear or read an ANN story?
  12. How can I get in touch with the staff?
  13. Do you attend any public events?
  14. Do you have a newsfeed? You really should have an RSS newsfeed!
  15. Submitting Content

  16. I have something to say about an online petition
  17. I submitted a news item, why wasn't it posted?
  18. I submitted a news item, why was it credited to someone else?
  19. Can I submit news about a non-Japanese animation?
  20. Can I submit a review?
  21. Can I submit an article?
  22. Can I have a column?
  23. How can I contribute to the encyclopedia?
  24. What if I want to contribute in some other way?
  25. My company is making an Anime, can you post a news article about it?
  26. Why doesn't Anime News Network review World-Manga (OEL, etc...)?
  27. Why didn't you post a news article about my (company's) new Anime or Manga?
  28. May I send you my company's product to review?
  29. I'm starting a new webmanga, is it news?
  30. Can you mention my site?

    Forum / Account

  31. I didn't receive my forum/account registration.
  32. Will there ever be an off topic / general conversation forum among the forums?
  33. How do I become a moderator?
  34. Why aren't my posts showing up?
  35. Is there a set of forum rules?
  36. Help, I've been banned!
  37. How do I attach a picture (avatar) to my account?
  38. Can I change my user name?
  39. Can I delete my account?
  40. Contests

  41. Can I enter give-aways more than once?
  42. Can I enter creative contests more than once?
  43. Does ANN "own" my entry?
  44. Can display my entry elsewhere?
  45. Why do I have to put your logo and/or the sponsor's logo on my submission
  46. Explain those rules about where I live and whether or not I can enter and if you will ship me a prize.


  47. Can I link to you?
  48. Can you link to me?
  49. Can we trade banners?
  50. Would you like to affiliate with us?
  51. Why'd you give this show a rating of ... in your review? Clearly it deserved a ... !
  52. When is title X coming out, How many episodes is it, and/or who is releasing it?
  53. Why'd you make X change to the programming on Y TV channel?
  54. I'd like to license, work on, be involved with, etc... one of your titles
  55. How do I get your television channel?
  56. Can you put me in contact with [insert actor, company or any person in the Anime industry]?
  57. Can you send me your catalog?
  58. How do I watch Anime on ANN?
  59. Where can I buy Anime ?
  60. Where can I download Anime?
  61. Does ANN offer Internships?

About ANN

  1. What is Anime News Network (ANN)?
    Anime News Network was created as a news source that focuses on the medium of Japanese Animation(anime) and Japanese Comics (manga). ANN was founded by Justin Sevakis in July of 1998, and has since lead the online anime news medium with a tradition of strong unbiased coverage of major breaking news. With in-depth coverage, analysis and commentary to provide insight into the world of anime and manga, ANN has been and continues to be the #1 English language source for anime and manga news on the Internet. ANN's goal is to make the latest, most comprehensive Anime news available to new fans and veteran Otaku alike.

    What ANN is not:

    • A television network or station;
    • A subsidiary of another company;
    • A dubbing / voice recording studio;
    • An animation company;
    • A licensing or distribution company;
    • A manufacturer or distributor of merchandise;
    • For sale.
  2. What is anime?
    For a full definition, including controversy regarding the definition of anime, please see our lexicon. For all purposes related to Anime News Network, anime is animation that is primarily produced and conceived in Japan. This includes animation conceived in Japan that has portions outsourced to other countries, but does not include animation primarily produced outside Japan and with the animation outsourced to Japan. It does however include animation that is co-conceived inside and outside of Japan and at least partially produced inside Japan.
  3. What I''s manga?
    For a full definition, including controversy regarding the definition of manga, please see our lexicon. For all purposes related to Anime News Network, manga are comic books or strips that are produced and conceived in Japan. This includes include comics that are co-conceived inside and outside of Japan but produced in Japan.
  4. Who operates ANN?
    ANN is operated by a team of people, under the guidance of Christopher Macdonald, Daniel DeLorme, Zac Bertschy and Justin Sevakis. A full list of the staff can be found on the staff page.
  5. Who is the blond haired mascot?
    Her name is Jadress. She was created by Robin “Ra-chan” Sevakis. Jadress was an integral part of the site when it was first launched in 1998 and remained an integral part of the site until 2007 at which time she was replaced by "Nina," also created by Robin Sevakis.
  6. How often do you update?
    The site is run on a daily content format, as opposed to a monthly or bi-monthly magazine format. We update the news and reviews daily, and other content, such as features, columns, and editorials are also added throughout the week. Our encyclopedia is updated daily as well.
  7. Under what settings is ANN best viewed?
    Originally we tried to make the site viewable at any resolution from 640x480 and up. Unfortunately keeping the site inside a 640 pixels width eventually became impossible. The site is now designed to work at 1024x768 or higher.
  8. How do I find older articles on ANN?
    Older news can be found in the archives. Old Features, columns, reviews and editorials can be found in their respective sections. You can also use our search engine.
  9. What was used to make the site, as well as maintain it?
    Simple editors such as Notepad and Homesite4 are our development tools of choice--if you need a WYSIWYG editor, you shouldn't be making professional websites. We use custom Ruby scripts (our older scripts are in PHP) combined with a MySQL database to manage the content. Apart from the phpBB forum, we haven't used any pre-made packages; all the content is managed and presented with custom scripts.
  10. How do I get permission to reprint an ANN Story, or obtain an ANN graphic or photo?
    ANN now has a newsfeed program where you can get the latest anime news on your very own website. If you wish to entirely reprint anything on your site please contact the editors-in-chief. For more details about what you can and can not re-print with or without our permission, see our copyright statement.
  11. How many people hear or read an ANN story?
    We get a bit over 190 000 visits every day. It's hard to estimate how many people visit regularly (at least once per week), but if we had to venture a guess, it would be about 400 000 people. According to our stats, over 2.7 million “hosts” visit ANN every month. If you know what that means, you know that it's a very untrustworthy number, if you don't know what it means, ignore it. In addition to regular visitors, ANN's news is often sourced in print and occasionally on the airwaves.
  12. How can I get in touch with the staff?
    Visit our contact page or visit our staff page for further contact and personal information. If a member's e-mail address is not there you can send your comments to the editors and we'll forward them.
  13. Do you attend any public events?
    Yes. ANN tries to provide coverage to as many anime conventions/festivals/symposiums as our staff can manage. For more details on this see our events section and our events forum.
  14. Do you have a newsfeed? You really should have an RSS newsfeed!
    We have an RSS Newsfeed and a custom newsfeed for other sites. Look at the tab on top that says "my ANN," and click on "newsfeed."

    Submitting Content

  15. I have something to say about an online petition.
    Stop. This petition is a joke, get it? Haha. Virtually every other e-petition is a waste of time. Read this article about e-petitions.
  16. I submitted a news item, why wasn't it posted?
    We could still be in the process of verifying the details, we may not have been able to verify the items, or perhaps we didn't find it newsworthy enough to post. On a "slow" news day we're more likely to post less significant items.
  17. I submitted a news item, why was it credited to someone else?
    They either submitted it first--or more importantly--submitted more information.
  18. Can I submit news about a non-Japanese animation?
    No. We're Anime News Network, not "Animation News Network", not "Asian Animation Network." There's plenty of good animation from around the world, including Korea and China, but we only cover Japanese animation, not French, Mexican, Chinese, African, Korean or Afghanistanimation.
  19. Can I submit a review?
    Yes, you can send a sample review to reviews@animenewsnetwork.com. Please make sure that the subject of the e-mail is "Sample Review:" followed by the title of the Anime you are reviewing (otherwise it will be discarded as Spam). Please take a look at the review guidelines that we've posted here. We'll read through all the reviews sent to us and respond fairly and honestly; but please allow us some time to respond. All files must be sent in one of the following formats: pure text, MS Word or HTML. We promise to look at every submission that comes our way but cannot promise to post your review.
  20. Can I submit an article?
    E-mail the editors and ask about the topic, we'd be glad to consider your article idea.
  21. Can I have a column?
    No. Only previous, regular contributors who have shown an ability to consistently write timely, quality articles (or reviews) are permitted to write columns. Try submitting some articles or reviews first.
  22. How can I contribute to the encyclopedia?
    Any registered user can contribute standard data to the Encyclopedia for Anime, Manga and People. But if that's not enough for you and you're near the top of the contributors list and you'd like to help out with the releases, lexicon, or editing and verifying data submitted by other people, please contact the Encyclopedist.
  23. What if I want to contribute in some other way?
    We always appreciate whatever help and support that readers can give. If you'd like to help out at ANN in a way other than the ones described above, please contact the editors. There's so much to do at ANN that we're very appreciative of any help offered.
  24. My company is making Anime, can you post a news article about it?
    Sorry, too many companies are trying to cash in on the popularity of Anime by making cartoons with big eyes and purple hair. We're sure you aren't like that, but... well actually, we aren't sure.
  25. Why doesn't Anime News Network review world manga?
    Please see our definition of manga. It is Anime News Network's official position, and the personal belief of many of our staff, than there is nothing inheritently superior about Japanese manga when compared to world manga. However Anime News Network's purpose is to cover Japanese animation and comic books. Currently we do not have the resources to review all the Japanese anime and manga that are released in North America. If and when we are able to review 100% of the Japanese anime and manga that are released in North America, we will then consider expanding our area of review coverage to include manga-style comics (world manga) that originate outside of Japan.
  26. Why didn't you post a news article about my (company's) new Anime or Manga?
    If your item is picked up in a distribution deal by a company that isn't being run out of someone's garage, then maybe its newsworthy. So when that happens, give us a shout, and we'll consider it, but if you can't tell us what makes your creation manga or anime (other than big eyes, purple hair and the like) you can pretty much forget it.
  27. May I send you my company's product to review?
    If it's anime or manga-related, then yes. Contact editor[at]animenewsnetwork.com for shipping information.
  28. I'm starting a new webmanga, is it news?
    No, there are a billion and one "webmangas", and most only last a couple of months. Now, if your webmanga gets licensed by a publisher... that might be news.
  29. Can you mention my site?
    Only if you do something newsworthy, sorry.

    Forum / Account

  30. I didn't receive my forum registration.
    If you are using a spam filter, please check your spam folder, some mail servers catch the registration code as spam.

    Search your spamfolder & inbox for e-mail from do-not-reply@animenewsnetwork.com or editor@animenewsnetwork.com.

    If you are using any sort of white list, please make sure that your e-mail account is set up to accept e-mails from do-not-reply@animenewsnetwork.com, editor@animenewsnetwork.com and support@animenewsnetwork.com.

    If you are using a mail service that bounces the e-mail back to the sender and asks them to confirm that it is not spam, we will not do that. These services usually allow you to add the e-mail address to a white-list before hand.

    Once you have checked all of the above, you can have the server re-send you your activation code by going here.

    It should be instant, but sometimes e-mail is slow, give it a couple hours (the slowness is usually not because of our server).

    If you still don't get your activation code, then and ONLY then, e-mail us at editor@animenewsnetwork.com make sure that:
    1) Your e-mail is sent from the e-mail address you submitted to ANN;
    2) You include your user name;
    3) Do not send us your password;
    4) the subject of your e-mail must be "activation code".

  31. How do I become a moderator?
    You're invited. When we feel there is a need for a new moderator, we look at our best forum users (the ones that contribute intelligently to conversation and act maturely) and ask them if they'd be willing to help us moderate the forum.
  32. Will there ever be an off topic / general conversation forum among the forums?
    Not in the public areas, no. We do however maintain a community section for subscribers, and off-topic discussion is permitted there.
  33. Why aren't my posts showing up?
    Posts from new users sometimes take a while to show up. Please be patient, they should appear within a few hours. Believe it or not, this is a "feature" not a "bug."
  34. Is there a set of forum rules?
    Right here - read them if you haven't already.
  35. Help, I've been banned!
    Read this.
  36. How do I attach a picture (avatar) to my account?
    Read this.
  37. Can I change my user name?
    No. In the future we will allow this, however right now it is not possible.
  38. Can I delete my account?
    No. Deleting accounts could screw up some of our features that weren't built with account deletion in mind. For now, we'd prefer you just left you account inactive and forgot about it. However if you absolutely must have your account deleted, e-mail help@animenewsnetwork.com. Your account will be disabled and stripped of all information pertaining to you. Your posts and contributions will not be deleted. Your e-mail address will be removed from your account, but it will be added to a permanent list denying you the ability to register a new account to the same e-mail address.


  39. Can I enter give-aways more than once?
    Unless stated otherwise on the contest page, No.
  40. Can I enter creative contests more than once?
    Unless stated otherwise on the contest page, Yes.
  41. Does ANN "own" my entry?
    Unless stated otherwise on the contest page, No. But as a condition of your entry we generaly require you to give us the unrevocable right to display your entry on Anime News Network for all eternity.
  42. Can display my entry elsewhere?
    Yes, anywhere you please.
  43. Why do I have to put your logo and/or the sponsor's logo on my submission
    There are two reasons for this. First, it ads some extra benefit to the contest sponsors and second, it helps us insure that you made the entry for the contest, instead of just grabing some existing art and submiting it.
  44. Explain those rules about where I live and whether or not I can enter and if you will ship me a prize.
    Most of our contest are open to anyone, regardless of where you live, because we don't believe in geographic discrimination. However sometimes our sponsors want a contest to only be open to their potential clients, so in those cases we have no choice to abide by their request to limit contest entry to a certain geographic area.

    While we don't believe in geographic discrimination, we also don't believe in spending a fortune on shipping and trying to figure out custom laws in order to get you your prize so that's why we only ship to the USA and Canada.


  45. Can I link to you?
    Yes, please feel free. Currently we don't have any banners to offer you for this, we'll be making some new ones shortly.
  46. Can you link to me?
    Unfortunately so many people ask us this question that if we said yes to only the good sites we'd be the Anime Web Turnpike, not ANN.
    Wait, I can link to you, but you won't link to me??
    Yes, we know it sounds a little conceited of us, but that's how it is. To be fair, we don't expect you to link to us, but we're honored if you do decide that you'd like to link to our site despite the fact that we won't be returning the favor. Please don't link to us if you're only doing it because you hope to get something in return; link to us because you feel that you want more people to know about Anime News Network.

  47. Sorry, ANN relies on its banners to survive. We very seldom trade banners with another website or publication. If your publication is in print (10 000+ circulation) or a website with 10 million+ impressions per month, we may consider it. Please understand, ANN receives this question at least once a week, it isn't possible for us to even consider swapping / affiliating with so many sites, so we generally don't swap / affiliate with any.
  48. Can you affiliate with us?
    Anime News Network would be happy to setup an affiliate program with any online store that pays referral fees provided that store meets certain pre-requisites. Anime News Network is unfortunately unable to affiliate itself with fan-sites much for the same reason that we can not link to you or trade banners with you (see above two entries).
  49. Why'd you give this show a rating of ... in your review? Clearly it deserved a ... !
    Obviously our reviewer disagrees.
  50. When is title X coming out, how many episodes is it, and/or who is releasing it?
    Look it up in the encyclopedia, ask Answerman, or ask in the forum.
  51. Why'd you make X change to the programming on [Cartoon Network, YTV, etc]?
    Uhh, try contacting the broadcaster, network or station. We're a news site and we have no more control over the schedule at [TV Station] than any other media source. Yes, believe it or not we get this question every so often.
  52. I'd like to license, work on, be involved with, etc... one of your titles
    Just like we aren't involved in broadcasting, we have no direct involvement with the licensing, distribution or production of Anime. We are a 3rd party, outside media source. Contact the producers or the licensors, not us.
  53. How do I get your television channel?
    See Question #1 "What is Anime News Network (ANN)?. Anime News Network is not The Anime Network (TAN). For details on TAN, read the transcript of our chat with them, read our TAN news coverage, or visit their website.
  54. Can you put me in contact with [insert actor, company or any person in the Anime industry]?
    No. As a policy, ANN never gives out contact information. Don't send us this question unless you've exhausted every other resource available (phone book, 411, Google, their website, etc...), even then, we will only forward your request to them, and we will only do so provided it is a business-to-business request being made by a company we've actually heard of. If you can't find Hayao Miyazaki's e-mail address online, it's probably because he doesn't want to receive a thousand e-mails a day.

    The one exception to this rule is that we will give out the Public Relations / Press Relations (PR) contact information for a company provided we have it readily available. Generally you can find this information on your own though, so please don't be lazy.

    Can you put me in contact with [insert actor, company or any person in the Anime industry]? I'm an old acquaintance of theirs.
    The answer is still no.

    Can you put me in contact with [insert actor, company or any person in the Anime industry]? They worked on one of your projects.
    Just to be clear, our encyclopedia carries information about a myriad of projects (anime,manga, etc...) most of which (99.9%) Anime News Network is not, and never was, involved with. It is not a list of our projects. So if the person actually worked for ANN, please see this answer, but if they are one of the 67023 people listed in the encyclopedia, they probably didn't work for us and therefore the previous two answers apply.

    Okay, I understand, you can't or won't put me in contact with them, but I really want/need to contact this person. Can you offer any suggestions on how to proceed?
    Depending on who you're trying to contact, they might have a fanclub, official webpage, or e-mail address listed in their encyclopedia entry. If not, try looking for the latest production they worked on and contacting the production company, they might be able and willing to forward your e-mail. Just a note, if you're contacting someone in Japan, it's highly recommended that at least your intro be in Japanese. Even if your intended recipient understands English, the person you ask to forward your e-mail might not. For your benefit, here's a quick intro you can prepend to any e-mail you send to Japan (replaces the blanks by the name of the person you are trying to contact):





    To whom it may concern/the person in charge:

    Thank you for your time.

    We are trying to contact _____. If it isn't too much trouble, could you forward this e-mail to ____?

    Thank you very much.

  55. Can you send me your catalog?
    We don't have a catalog, we don't sell anything.
  56. How do I watch anime on ANN?
    You go to our video page. Unlike most sites that stream anime, our streams are 100% legit. So if you can't find the series you're looking for it means we don't have the rights, but we're always trying to add more content to our library. And watching legit, authorized anime means that the creators get paid and can produce more anime.
  57. Where can I buy Anime ?
    You can buy it at retail movie stores like Blockbuster and Suncoast as well as specialty Anime Shops. You can also buy it online at websites like Anime Castle, Anime Nation, J List, Roberts Anime Corner Store and The Right Stuf International.
  58. Where can I download Anime?
    For the most part, you can't legally download anime online. Fansubs are generally illegal (whether or not they're unethical or not is a completely different topic), and as such, we can't help you obtain them. You might want to check the sites listed below, and read our news, when there's legal Anime to download we generally mention it. Here's an archive of our news related to downloadable / streaming anime. Don't ask us where to get bootlegs or fansubs, we won't tell you.

    Please note, the episode lists in the encyclopedia are just that, episode lists. When it says "Episode titles: We have 35" it means we have 35 episode titles, not 35 episodes to download.
    Some sites/services that allow you to download or watch anime online (may or may not be free):
  59. Does ANN offer Internships?
    Anime News Network does not operate out of a single office, anyone working for ANN, be they employee, freelancer, volunteer or intern, works from their home office. This environment may not be the best learning environment for interns, and it does not satisfy the requirements that many educational institutions require for interning students. However, if your educational institution does not require an office environment, or if you are looking for an internship that is not part of an educational program, ANN does occasionally have room for interns in our newsroom, editorial department, video department and in our web development department. please contact editor@animenewsnetwork.com to inquire about current availability of internships. Please state that you have already read this document, and specify what department you would like to intern in. Please also include a copy of your CV and an introduction letter stating what you would like to achieve during your internship at ANN.