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Editors' picks

Fort Hood has enough victims already

Sarkozy's tough talk on French identity

Bill Clinton statue is already a relic

Renewing 1989's rejection of totality

Nationalism has become the N-word

Cannabis is dangerous

Expenses review is bad for family life

It isn't godly being green


Road to nowhere

Following a recent Guardian Bike Blog on crap cycle lanes, readers uploaded their own examples to a Flickr group gallery. Given the evidence, do you think cycle lanes are ever worthwhile or almost always pointless and tokenistic?



Thread of the day

  • Bye bye, British constitution

    Anthony Barnett: It was on its last legs, but two recent events look like the final nails in the coffin for our unique unwritten constitution
  1. Best of the web

  2. 1. Salon: A 10-best books list without women?
    Controversy about Publishers Weekly's year-end list has the Internet up in arms
  3. 2. The Nation: Gladwell for dummies
    Gladwell is no fad. He is a brand, a guru, a fixture at New York publishing parties and in the spiels of literary agents hoping to steer writers toward concepts that will strike publishers as 'Gladwellian'
  4. 3. FWD/Foward: On hipster ableism
    There's a particular brand of humour which seems to be extremely popular in the US right now. I call it 'hipster -ism'
  5. 4. Monde Diplo: Women's untold stories
    An interview with Taslima Nasrin, whose books have offended Muslim fundamentalists in Bangladesh so much that she was forced to seek exile - twice
  6. 5. Daily Beast: Has Tracey Emin gone soft?
    Britain's onetime bad girl is mellowing with age. On the eve of a bold new show, she talks to Rachel Wolff about making peace with critics

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