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For Immediate Release
February 27, 2006

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Germany Federal Administrative Court Upholds
Witnesses’ Full Exercise of Faith

Early in February 2006, the Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG) in Leipzig confirmed the court decision of the High Administrative Court (OVG) in Berlin to grant Jehovah’s Witnesses recognition as a Corporation of Public Right. The ruling of the Federal Administrative Court was a welcome reaffirmation to Jehovah’s Witnesses, who have been active in Germany for over 100 years and who are well-known there as well as around the world for their signature work of teaching the Bible.

While already recognized as a religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses nonetheless benefit by being classified as having “Public Corporation Rights,” allowing them greater independence from the state. This corporate status is enjoyed by most major religions in Germany. The High Court’s ruling makes it easier for the Witnesses, among other things, to establish charitable organizations and to provide buildings and meetings for worship.

Werner Rudtke, speaking for the presiding committee of the Religious Association in Germany, said: “The decision will further simplify the exercise of our religion. Our local congregations (communities), which have often been registered as individual associations, can be better supported in the future by the Religious Association, for example when looking for property for Kingdom Halls, or houses of worship. That means more freedom for our main activity—preaching the gospel and providing Bible education.”

While this new status allows the corporation to employ elders as civil servants, Jehovah’s Witnesses will not utilize this provision. Congregation elders among Jehovah’s Witnesses are not salaried, since from earliest times this position is one taken voluntarily, with no monetary compensation. The role of the elders continues to be based on spiritual qualifications outlined in Scripture and is not an elected or a paid position.

Rudtke adds that the ruling improves cooperation with the officials. Jehovah’s Witnesses already have an international reputation for being politically neutral, and they already operate around the world as a non-profit organization. The organization is supported entirely by voluntary donations. Regarding the internationally recognized work of Jehovah’s Witnesses: “Our main interest remains to impart hope and comfort for the future by means of the Bible.”

Germany/Europe media contact: Walter Köbe 011 49 6483 413111
Other media contact: J. Richard Brown,
telephone: (718) 560-5600


