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New Sonic 2D Game- Project Needlemouse


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Uploaded by on Sep 8, 2009

Codenamed as "Project Needlemouse" [as in, Hedgehog], Sega has JUST announced this game, presumably for the date [09/09/09].
The game, like in the trailer, will feature 2D gameplay with HD graphics, and it WILL be an ALL-NEW game [no rehash]
Don't post any "Sonic Cycle" shit, faggots.
Let us have something here.
Let us hope...

I don't own the rights to any of the Sonic logos, Sonic team logos, content, or Sega.

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Uploader Comments (PsychoSpiritomb)

  • ok its 2010 where is it......THEY LIED TO US

  • I don't know what you're talking about.

    We're all playing it right now.

    It's out on all platforms (best version's Dreamcast 2 if you have it).

    Please get with the program.

  • dreamcast2.......you shitin me?

  • Oh man, you've gotta pick one up.

    Best console since Dreamcast 1.

    All games have full 1080p support, online has super-dedicated servers for NO lag, controller has 4 analog sticks for super-precise controls.

    Amazing console.

  • DreamCast2 doesn't freaking exist!

  • Maybe to you.


Top Comments

  • Sega better not screw this one up -,-

  • OMG OMG OMG OMG im having an orgasm

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  • every new game should be 2D.... EVERY ONE.

    even the first person shooters.

  • the old youtube was much more fun why are you wasting your time to end up with errors...youtube its you!

  • Freakin Finally! I cant wait to play this one!


    sega are back haha

  • You know what I think? You are a very funny n00b.

  • you know what you fucktard im done with you just reply what the fuck you want im done i seriously......w/e dont give a crap with you think

  • I have a life. I go to a school. You know...the thing you dropped out of?

  • fuck of fag get a life

  • Yup. You're very new.

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