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About Me deviantART Subscriber Procrastinator lychiUnited States Recent Activity Deviant for 4 Years
3 Month Subscription
Statistics 58 Deviations
226,482 Pageviews


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:iconmavrik5150: :icondwelleternally: :iconlisel: :iconbettehh: :iconxheathen:


Devious Info

  • Personal Quote: "If you ain't cryin', then you ain't tryin'!" ~Ron

Check these guys out!

Some buddies:

Inspirations (waaay too many, so just a few)
:iconcheeks-74: :iconleventep: :iconartbytheo:


Hey, I was wondering, do you take commisions? And if you do, what is the price of these?
ur art is amazing 0_0 love the wow ones keep up tha good work
dayum, i could watch lychi art in slideshow now :O
i want the lychi back
christie! how nice! lol thanks for faving..!! btw we still rooming?! and nice galleriess.... when'd ya get the subscription yo?
I got the sub today to see if it meant DA would stop crashing my Firefox!! Seems like the advertisements were screwy. And... it seems to be working so far! (Yes, hopefully this also means that I on't have to refresh pages often to see full view pictures anymore haha)

And yeah, her roomies are fine with it so we're GOOD TO GO!
sweet! thanks a lot to both you and your sis!!!! w0000.. and ya.. sub looks fancy....!!! atleast you figured out your problems now haha

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