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  • Status: Member
  • Procrastinator
  • United States
  • Invisible
  • Deviant since Nov 11, 2003, 9:00 PM
  • 38 Deviations
  • 16 Scraps [browse]
  • 931 Deviation Comments
  • 359 Deviant Comments
  • 10,013 Pageviews

Back from AX07!

Journal Entry: Tue Jul 3, 2007, 10:01 PM
I'm back from AX07 and now digging back into the both wonderful and horrible world of chemistry. Full update will be later, since I have to start moving stuff around the new apartment. But to get the gist of it all, it was probably the worst AX I've been to so far, though I still got a really good experience out of it. Special thanks to my hubby (YAY!) :iconmitsuu: for being my table partner and for really giving me a lot of support, this year being the first to have a table. Thanks to all the people who bought prints from me and also to those who commissioned me. Thanks also to everyone who bought "Something Colorful" from StudioRS. I was disappointed I didn't get a chance to walk around all of Artist Alley to meet the wonderful artists out there, but thanks to those who dropped by my table and gave me a "hi." I really appreciate it!

I'll finally update my gallery with some CGs I did recently, and when I have time, I'll put up a more thorough update of AX07. Mainly, I just want to give my thanks out! :)

Devious Information

  • Current Age: 72
  • Current Residence: Earth
  • Interests: anime/manga; comics; drawing; music; writitng; reading; my awesome TAGeam and STUDIORS
  • Favourite movie: Forrest Gump, Big Fish, Donnie Darko, Pan's Labyrinth, The Graduate, Spiderman movies, etc.
  • Favourite band or musician: The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, Franz Ferdinand, Saybia, Beethoven, Debussy, etc.
  • Favourite genre of music: Classic Rock
  • Favourite artist: Yamato Yamamoto; Makoto Kobayashi; Yusuke Murata; Fukisaki Ryuu; +[a lot more]
  • Favourite poet or writer: Alexandre Dumas (pere); JK Rowling; Harper Lee; Sharon Creech; tangledweb; +[a lot more]
  • Favourite photographer: Ciril
  • Operating System: Windows XP
  • Wallpaper of choice: Yamato Yamamoto or The Beatles
  • Favourite game: Monkey Island, Final Fantasy III (VI), Ragnarok Online
  • Favourite cartoon character: LOCKE COLE!
  • Personal Quote: I was young and reckless!
  • Tools of the Trade: Abode Photoshop 7.0, Painter 7, .3 mechanical pencil, micron pens, nibs 'n' ink

deviantART Notice

Devious Comments

~naruto-sexy-no-jutsu:iconnaruto-sexy-no-jutsu: Jul 31, 2007, 9:24:54 PM
I saw you @ AX07 O_________o

Hope you saw the girl with the red scarf~

*+Tiger Punch ~ Online Manga+*
*Ashira-Jaganshi:iconAshira-Jaganshi: Jul 14, 2007, 8:05:22 PM
Houshin Engi is rather amazing, I don't see why it isn't more popular, its much better than a lot of mainstream anime.. anyhow, I'd love to see more Houshin Engi drawings, you're really talented!!

I like Hiei, Killua, Vincent, Sesshy, Tasuki.. the bishi list goes on and on ^^ *huggle*
I'm a big YYH, HxH, FFVII, FY and Gravitation fan.. and yes.. yaoi is good for you.. no doubt about it *nods*
*Ashira-Jaganshi:iconAshira-Jaganshi: Jul 13, 2007, 2:48:59 AM Mood: Love
Hewo! I'm the girlfriend of Shadow ^^; I commissioned Nataku from you, seeing as you're on the few people I know who even knows what Houshin Engi is... anyway, love my piccie! ^__^

I like Hiei, Killua, Vincent, Sesshy, Tasuki.. the bishi list goes on and on ^^ *huggle*
I'm a big YYH, HxH, FFVII, FY and Gravitation fan.. and yes.. yaoi is good for you.. no doubt about it *nods*
~Konishi:iconKonishi: Jul 4, 2007, 1:03:05 AM
heeeey I met you on AX the last day as Sai. lovelovelove your style and coloring. We should do a Houshin art trade someday. <3

"Face it girl, prince charming isn't coming. He's living with Mr. Right." ~unknown
=ShadowOrexia:iconShadowOrexia: Jul 3, 2007, 11:36:37 AM
Hey, I met you at AX, I think my girlfriend commissioned you. Anyway, check out my journal for a contest with really good prizes.

I <3 Ashira, Got it Memorized?
~HYPOCalvin:iconHYPOCalvin: Jul 2, 2007, 10:18:01 PM
Hi Tanya. This is Chris and I met you at AX. I'm not sure if you can remember who I am ( i'm sure you met thousands of people at the AX). Well, it looks like I DO have an deviant art account. I don't know if there is much on it though - is there any at all? I'm not sure. -__-

Hey, but I'm looking at your stuff, and it's pretty good. I'm really likin the pastel color scheme on "the little mage." wow, you were being so modest at the anime expo. I didn't know the anime and drawings on the table was actually yours. I thought they were of a different artist, and you were just sitting in for them. Wow, I wish I could do photoshop like this. i can barely use the computer. ;)
~Bobsmade:iconBobsmade: May 28, 2007, 1:26:31 AM
:orange: thank you for watch
~XyiDai:iconXyiDai: May 23, 2007, 4:33:49 AM
hey i was wondering could i use ur The Extraordinary Mr. Rabbit art for a rough little draft of my 9 year old sisters story??? its just on Word Page or something so it wont be copy writ or anything... please. send me a note k

There is no such thing as stupid questions - just stupid people!
~axsketchjam:iconaxsketchjam: Apr 6, 2007, 11:54:33 PM
Happy Birthday you April baby! :)
~xdekkox:iconxdekkox: Feb 1, 2007, 3:30:02 PM

[. if you're carring a life with no fails, you're not taking enough risks .]
=emoxic:iconemoxic: Jan 19, 2007, 6:07:25 PM
i hope with everything i have that i can make it to another sketchjam in the future! you guys where all sweet, and i can't wait to see that kaazi you started because it was looking super cute!

shallow means, deep ends.
*021:icon021: Jan 18, 2007, 10:08:16 PM
hey! thx for taking the time to comment on my page :heart: yeah the sketchjam was awesome~ X3 hope to see you again at the next one!

... ロクサスにあいたかった。

{ axel ♥ roxas 

< you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be >
=Pallid:iconPallid: Jan 17, 2007, 9:35:13 PM
Hey Tanya! I'm so glad you were able to make it to the jam, even though you were missing your other half. You handled it pretty well, sorry if we bullied you too much LOL. Omg I'm so embarressed, you've discovered my dirty secret haha!! Yes..I love hot guys. I'm sorry XD! (But, don't we all!??) :heart:
*Barlee:iconBarlee: Jan 17, 2007, 2:59:16 PM
Tanyaaaa~~ It was SO WEIRD seeing you without Amy! Hahah. xD Too bad you weren't able to hang out more. ;__; Hopefully next time you can stick around to shop and play DDR with us. :heart::heart: See youuuu next time! :heart:

:butterflytwo:fresh-baked doujin:butterflytwo:
=marika:iconmarika: Jan 16, 2007, 8:57:45 PM
it was really nice meeting you too~ da died on me so forgive me if i post this twice or something D: but yea hopefully next time i won't have such an inconenient scheduling conflict and will be able to network more or whatever~ :D
=WeretHekau:iconWeretHekau: Jan 15, 2007, 1:36:56 PM
hiiii :heart: it was nice to meet you too~~ : D it was fun yesterday hehe~ and thanks xDDD hope we get to meet again soon ^o^!! ~

Art Site: [link]
~mieki-neko:iconmieki-neko: Jan 15, 2007, 1:26:06 AM
HESSS i didn't get to talk to you like.. AT ALL D: TT_TT oh well. we have AX to hang out at. lol. but who would wanna hang out with a lil shrimp like me! jk jk or not haha
well. take care okae? hope to talk to you soon! xD

akiramenaide ne! ganbatte!

=xPyralisx:iconxPyralisx: Jan 14, 2007, 6:34:31 PM
Hi Tanya~ ^^ It was so nice meeting you today, I had a lot of fun at the sketchjam ^________^
too bad I wasn't able to draw something for you, hopefully next time? xD
*watches you now*

I wanted to destroy everything beautiful I'd never have. Burn the Amazon rain forests. Pump chlorofluorocarbons straight up to gobble the ozone. Open the dump valves on supertankers and uncap offshore oil wells...
I wanted the whole world to hit bottom.
~korilin:iconkorilin: Jan 1, 2007, 1:51:34 AM

#Andante-Peach @ irc .highway .net GO GO GO <3
*lychi:iconlychi: Nov 6, 2006, 7:07:57 PM
Heyhey hessa, fellow rainbow squadron member! Uahaha
anyway, heres a reminder that sketchjam is this FRIDAY the 10th, from 1pm lunch til dinner!! its at a new location, so please check the lj for more info.
YAY YAY im so excited just thinking about spazzing out with you about that awesome rainbow project thats coming on, ohohohohhoooo
~Gucchama:iconGucchama: Oct 27, 2006, 7:40:01 PM
it's taking me forever to get around to people!! but anyhow~~~ even though it was ages and an eternity ago, the sketch jam was fun!! everyone could kick my ass with their drawings!! xD

go on.... you know you wanna give me a little kick. :P

恋するぐみより~!! ♥♥♥
D.GRAY MAN TVアニメ化決定!!
~SetoKakashiluver:iconSetoKakashiluver: Oct 7, 2006, 8:50:44 PM
Hey, Tanya! Do U use a tablet? If so, then what kind and size is it? :heart:

:frail: I am Silver-Chan :frail:

:giggle: "If U wanna try 2 piss someone off, make sure they can't run faster than you." :heart:

Join Mah Clubster! :headbang:
=kidoairaku:iconkidoairaku: Oct 5, 2006, 11:24:07 PM
TAANYAAAA~~!!!! OMG you and Amy have hecka good art TT_TT

to give, to love, to be happy... that is life...
follow your dreams and make them come true...

visit.....*bearmoon and ~smashbox and ~le-coeur-brise for interesting stuff ~^___^~ :boogie: :heart:
*Barlee:iconBarlee: Oct 4, 2006, 3:39:44 PM
:glomp: Tanyaaaaa~~~ Just saying hi. XD I can't remember if I already added you, but I'm going to now just in case~ 8D

Heyyyy that bunny sure looks familiar! :F I really luv the beta sketch of him you did in my book. Haha... S'kinda funny you drew him again, because I actually drew Bowling Ball Man again too! XD;;;;

Can't wait to see you again. :heart: And I hope college is going well for you!

:butterflytwo:fresh-baked doujin:butterflytwo:
~mitsuu:iconmitsuu: Sep 28, 2006, 3:13:31 PM Mood: Wow!

Oh Woe.