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Google launches Nexus phone

In today's podcast: Google launches Nexus phone; CES officials say e-reader sales to double; and Ballmer set to launch tablet.

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CES: Pushing through the crowds

When you're five foot five inches tall and not all that wide, it's sometimes hard to push your way to the various vendors at the CES Unveiled press preview

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Palm Pre: 10 fixes needed now

There's lots to like about Palm's smartphone, even though it's far behind competitors in available apps. However, a few things should be improved pronto.

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Stop making it so easy to be attacked online

By simplifying, beautifying, and streamlining our online lives, we are making ourselves more vulnerable to hostile threats that attack us.

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Flying to CES - online

I'm not a frequent traveler, but I've been doing business trips long enough to be used to the three most frustrating rules for the technically enthusiastic flyer: No phone calls (unless you want to use the plane's over-priced service). No decent entertainment. And no Internet.

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Google Nexus One GPhone event liveblog

Google's Nexus One event starts at 1PM Eastern US time. Follow me here as I update with information/analysis live.

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Google Nexus One launches today: gPhone release rumors, reviews rife

Google will be holding its event to release the Android-powered Nexus One later today -- or so the review speculation goes. On paper, the gPhone looks interesting, but the Devil's in the detail. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers play 'guess the secret'. Not to mention shopping the Japanese PM...

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Chinese company hands Apple iPhone trademark

In today's podcast: Chinese company hands Apple iPhone trademark; Lenovo starts using AMD chips; and Microsoft loses market share among Web surfers.

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Isaac Newton's birthday celebrated with a falling Apple doodle

No, Google's Doodle isn't celebrating Chrome's passing of Apple's Safari browser or knocking off any of Apple's products. The falling Apple is to commemorate the Birthday of Isaac Newton, who was born on January 4th, 1643.

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Apple tablet rumors fly (iTablet/iSlate: let's call the whole thing off)

Supposedly, Steve Jobs is getting ready to announce this Apple tablet device later this month. The iTablet or iSlate is supposedly an enlarged iPhone, with a 7" or 10" display, and Apple has ordered 10 million of them (yeah, right). In the first IT Blogwatch of 2010, bloggers argue on and on about it. Not to mention bad engagement photos...

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Google Chrome passes Safari, releases 'Similar Pages' extension

Well, we didn't have to wait long into 2010 to find that Google's Chrome Browser would surpass Apple's Safari.  Today, NetApplications released the news that Chrome gained .7 of a percentage point to get to 4.63% of the browser market.  The largest month over month gain in Chrome's history was attributed to the release of beta versions for both Mac and Linux (which isn't supported by Safari) in December.

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Best of Computerworld Blogs in 2009

It's almost the end of the year, so time for a roundup from the other Computerworld bloggers. What have they been up to during 2009? In IT Blogwatch, bloggers get ready to shout happy new year. Not to mention the Bottle Bank Arcade...

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Apple and Nokia patent suit heads to ITC

Nokia today filed suite with he International Trade Commission over Patents it says Apple violated with its products.

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Google's Nexus One Phone set to launch January 5th, details leaked

Gizmodo got their hands on some more details of the soon to be released Nexus One Google Phone, while Google itself sent out invitations to a special January 5th event.

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Think your cellphone call is private? Think again! GSM A5/1 encryption cracked.

Your cellphone calls aren't as secure and private as you might believe. The 2G GSM encryption standard A5/1 has been cracked, potentially exposing 80% of the world's calls to eavesdropping. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers listen in on this disturbing news. Not to mention The many faces of a Space Invader...

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