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PS3 clusters hit as Sony gives Linux the flick
Sony's announcement of the new PS3 Slim has excited gamers worldwide, but people wanting to run Linux on the console have been shunned with the removal of its 'Install Other OS' feature.

Terracotta boosts app-scaling prowess with Ehcache buy
Terracotta announced Tuesday that is has acquired the intellectual property behind Ehcache, a popular Java-based open-source distributed caching technology.

The greatest open source software of all time
Every year InfoWorld painstakingly selects its Bossie Award winners -- the best open source software for business -- and every year we have shamefully neglected the very cream of the open source crop. While we've awarded the Dojos, Xens, and SugarCRMs, we've ignored Linux, GNU, and the *BSDs -- because, well, don't their excellence and importance go without saying? In other cases, where open source giants did receive our award (Snort and Wireshark come to mind), a "mere" Bossie almost seems like faint praise.

Red Hat expands partner program to juice reseller business
Red Hat has expanded its partner program to give companies more options for how they can work with the Linux vendor, more ways to demonstrate their areas of product expertise to customers and more discounts on product pricing, the company said Monday.

Oracle offers virtualization template tool
Oracle will delve further into the server virtualization space Wednesday,  offering a template-building tool to speed up deployments based on the open source Oracle VM software product.

SpringSource to launch VMware into the cloud
VMware Inc.'s $420 million purchase of open-source application tool maker SpringSource will help the virtualization vendor reach its aspirations of becoming a cloud computing player, the company and outside experts said Monday.

Penguin puts high-performance computing in the cloud
Penguin Computing, which builds high-performance Linux clusters for tasks like weather modelling and product design, is taking its business into the cloud.

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$EDITOR: Don Marti

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