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Shark Tank

The more things change...

The PC guru for this small business quits, and the job of supporting the company's network of ten PCs falls to a consultant pilot fish. When he gets there, users are complaining that their network is slow -- and fish soon knows why.

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Second opinion

New employee arrives at this division and, as per usual procedure, she's issued a used MacBook Pro. But within a few months, she complains that it's acting sluggish and she wants a new one.

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The truth is up there

User calls the help desk to report that a green liquid is coming out of her phone -- and she believes it's the liquid crystals leaking out of the display.

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We could tell you, but then we'd have to kill your Internet access

Programmer pilot fish goes online to a message board for a development system that's used for one of his company's applications. But he's blocked by the company's recently implemented filter.

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Simpler: not always better

This pilot fish has just taken over responsibility for a batch of servers when she gets a call late one night from the CEO, complaining that he can't get e-mail on his BlackBerry -- and fish can't get access to the server through the VPN either.

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For once, credit where it's due

At this electronic cash register company, the manufacturing line shuts down for four hours every Friday afternoon -- and a student pilot fish can't figure out why it should have to.

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This pilot fish is the box-office manager for an organization that needs an online application to do ticket sales. Out goes a bid request -- and in come bids from three vendors.

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IT? Easy. VP? Not so much.

It's a few years ago, and this network engineer pilot fish manages the modem pool that off-site users dial into at her company. But that doesn't deter a VP who wants fish to fix his e-mail -- and pronto.

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It's all in how you add it up

This pilot fish is the CIO of a small company with offices in New Jersey and New York City -- when the single IT person is out due to illness.

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See, the guy who normally checks that was out sick...

This big medical outfit is rolling out an online scheduling application to manage patient flow at the company's service centers. Patients are supposed to receive a confirming e-mail -- but some of those messages never arrive.

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But it WILL stay dry

An electrical fire breaks out above the ceiling tiles in this server room, and it leaves a long-lasting impression.

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It's that IT touch, that's what it is

It's back in the days of green-screen terminals, and this support pilot fish teaches a secretary a simple trick for reviving a terminal that has apparently died.

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You just never know what's going to matter

This college-student pilot fish applies for a part-time job at a company that makes electronic cash registers, and he figures his 30 hours of programming classes will seal the deal. But the HR manager is more impressed that he can identify resistors without a cheat sheet.

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Support, recalibrated

This IT pilot fish is doing a little routine work in his company’s product support department when he overhears a call from a customer who’s having problems with a meter that the company makes.

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Maybe ‘never’ is too strong a word

This pilot fish’s research group is getting a new home -- in the building’s basement, right below the cafeteria kitchen.

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