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Gary Anthes
Users Are Part of Your Systems
Make users an IT asset and feed their recommendations and social behaviors back into your systems.
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Jay Cline
Privacy matters: When is personal data truly de-identified?
Jay Cline looks at a question on identity and privacy that HHS will soon rule on.
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Jim Damoulakis
Cloud Storage to the Rescue?
The sad state of storage management might create an opportunity for cloud storage to serve as a secondary or, more likely, tertiary tier of storage, says James Damoulakis.
Read all articles from Jim Damoulakis...
Michael DeAgonia
Opinion: The 5 best things about iPhone OS 3.0
Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 update makes even older iPhones more responsive and offers a number of improvements -- some of them long overdue -- that users will appreciate. Here's our top five.
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Mike Elgan
Haptics: The feel-good technology of the year
A transformational new generation of haptics technology is about to emerge from at least two Silicon Valley companies: Immersion and Apple. You can already feel the buzz, says columnist Mike Elgan.
Read all articles from Mike Elgan...
Ryan Faas
What do Snow Leopard, iPhone 3G S, iPhone 3.0 mean for business?
With the arrival next week of the iPhone 3G S and the new iPhone's OS, and the debut in September of Mac OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard, Apple is making moves that should catch the attention of enterprise IT shops, says columnist Ryan Faas.
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Scot Finnie
Opinion: Questioning the netbook phenomenon
On Wednesday, Apple COO Tim Cook dissed netbooks and their 'cramped keyboards, terrible software, junky hardware [and] very small screens.' But can any computer maker, including Apple, ignore the trend completely?
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Kevin Fogarty
Opinion: Is one of VMware's best features a really bad idea?
It turns out that not every data center manager wants or needs the ability to shift virtual machines around while they're running in production. CIO's Kevin Fogarty explains why.
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Michael Gartenberg
Opinion: Is Apple gearing up to enter the enterprise?
After years of ignoring the needs of the enterprise, Apple seems to be making a concerted push into the business world. Mac OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard, addresses many of the concerns of business users.
Read all articles from Michael Gartenberg...
Paul Glen
Monitor Your Sponsors
Every project needs a sponsor to succeed, right? It's not quite that simple, says Paul Glen.
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Preston Gralla
Opinion: Why Google's Chrome OS will turn to lead
Developing Chrome OS could be Google's worst mistake, and a boon for Microsoft.
Read all articles from Preston Gralla...
John D. Halamka
The Truth Shall Set You Free
John Halamka offers five tips for managing events when things go wrong.
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Mark Hall
Get Smashed, Not Mashed
Columnist Mark Hall frets that mashups will make networks even less secure.
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David Haskin
The Linux Gadget Hall of Fame: One geek's picks
Some of the most fascinating, fun and influential tech devices are based on Linux, which means there ought to be a Linux Gadget Hall of Fame. Gadget geek David Haskin chooses the first 10 inductees, including Amazon's Kindle e-reader and the HTC T-Mobile G1 phone.
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Frank Hayes
No Panic Required
You aren't likely to be locking staff in for the duration. With businesses where people gather shutting down to avoid spreading the disease, layoffs are more probable.
Read all articles from Frank Hayes...
Paul M. Ingevaldson
Dazzle Your CEO With Hard Facts
Paul Ingevaldson sees a way to give your CEO the hard numbers he wants to see on IT performance.
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Sharon Machlis
In Recession, Take Time to Save Time
In this Not Quite a Depression (Yet), take some time now to find ways for you and your colleagues to save some time later.
Read all articles from Sharon Machlis...
Craig J. Mathias
Opinion: Getting good help
The success of IT remains labor-intensive, meaning that improving the quality of labor needs to be a goal for the rest of this year, Craig J. Mathias says.
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Thornton A. May
ITs Identity Crisis: We're the Elevator
Thornton A. May urges IT professionals to define their identity before others do it for them.
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Lucas Mearian
Opinion: Radio Flyer is pimpin' its wagons
The Radio Flyer company, maker of the little red wagon, is upping the ante on its 'child transporters,' adding things such as upholstered seats, braking systems and MP3 player adapters with speakers. This isn't your father's wagon.
Read all articles from Lucas Mearian...

Shark Tank

Daily out-takes from the Theater of the Absurd, IT-style, where the nasty meets the rumor, and the kernel of truth wins out. Real life IT in action. You'll laugh...but try not to cry at your desk. See today's Shark Tank.