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About Me deviantART Subscriber Comic Artist slimu23/Male/United States Recent Activity Deviant for 4 Years
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Directions of Destiny Updating!

Journal Entry: Thu Sep 18, 2008, 8:45 PM

Slimu's Journal

Hay guys :> My comic Directions of Destiny is being updated again, finally! Please check it out!

Directions of Destiny

I've actually been updating the comic consistently every Thursday for a month now, but I didn't want to make a big ol' announcement about it here because I was afraid I'd immediately run out of steam and miss updates again, ha, ha, ha... But! I'm fairly confident now that I will be able to maintain my schedule, so please give it a look and keep it bookmarked if you like it!

Outside of that, I just wanted to drop a note here on deviantArt since I hadn't written anything in the journal for a while. School started, which is a good thing because I needed the structure of a set schedule back in my life since I otherwise just become a blob. My sleeping schedule is still all over the place though, so now I'm trying to actively make an effort to fix it because I feel like I'd become 50 times more productive!

Umm yeah, this entry was prettyboring. Check out my comic! <3

  • Mood: Eager


Devious Info

  • Current Residence: California
  • Interests: Food, Sleep, and Video Games
  • Favourite movie: Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Favourite band or musician: Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Chopin
  • Favourite genre of music: Romantic period
  • Favourite artist: Nobuteru Yuki
  • Favourite poet or writer: Amy Tan
  • Operating System: Windows Vista
  • Favourite game: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn, Breath of Fire III, Final Fantasy VIII, Legend of Mana
  • Favourite gaming platform: Nintendo DS, Wii
  • Favourite cartoon character: Princess Peach (Mario Bros.), Ranulf (Fire Emblem), Rei (Breath of Fire III), Zell (Final Fantasy 8)
  • Personal Quote: "That's terrible! Awful! Horrible! ...isn't it?"
  • Tools of the Trade: Mechanical Pencils, Sakura Microns, Paint Shop Pro X, Painter 9


i. love. your. work!
im sorry if this is a really weird comment!

gomenasai! *bow*

Did you hear about the little girl who shared glue with a friend because friends "stick" together? ^^
icon belongs to:
Ah, Hi~

Um I'm sure you don't know me what-so-ever, but I do know your little brother. Glen Tseng? Me and him took japanese 1 before I swapped out of it ^^;. Um well yeah... uh, I don't know what to say other than that .____.


Oh yeah, I love your webcomic n' stuff, I stopped after the first volume, but I still love it :D :iconotlplz:


Ah well um, just yeah .___.

I'm a relatively tired person, if I make no sense to you, then I'm probably dreaming about food.
So, do you still play DDR?
I'm still not so good.
I can see by all the work you've done that I need to step up my game. ^_~ Beautiful comic by the way. I am actually trying to head down that path myself soonish...
Awesome! :D

^^ excellent!!
I thought I was following you but apparently I was not. My bad :dead:

...wait, did I just type that out loud?
Omg. Your homemade browies were AMAZING. I wish I took more pieces after I gobbled mine up. T_T Thanks for coming today! It was cool getting to see you again and meeting your friend.

Bippity boppity boo.
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