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Tricks Of The Trade


Submitted by: jonesy – Sat, 08/01/2009 – 10:51

the last vestige of witchcraft in electronics. previously mentioned, but worth repeating: 1) new megabuck audio mixing desk crashes at coffee, lunch and coffee - floor tiles in the equipment room found ungrounded. 2) hum bars appear in output of large dish to bird - isolator in the feed found to be 'isolated' only in the centre conductor (building ground shorted to tech ground).

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A Developer with a Memory Leak

Submitted by: HockeyTown4Ever – Wed, 06/17/2009 – 14:32

A software developer came into my office complaining that his server ran out of memory every week and had to be rebooted. After some careful diagnostics we identified the problem, his application had a memory leak. Every time his application was run, it ate a little more memory until eventually the memory was all allocated and only a reboot would free it.

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Yet another "helpful" error message

Submitted by: Morely – Thu, 04/30/2009 – 18:02

I'm installing the proprietary software for a large brown shipping company on a new computer, because our old terminal server, where it's currently installed, is struggling just to maintain a connection. I need the "user information" for the shipper, and of course the easiest way to get it is to run the software on the old server and pull up the "edit data screen." Right?

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TREE command

Submitted by: Juptile – Wed, 04/29/2009 – 01:32

I quite like the TREE command in Windows. If I use 'tree c:/ /f > filelist.txt', I can have a quickly-generated index of every file on the hard drive.

Of course, sometimes when I'm at a friend's place I'd plug a USB thumbdrive (empty) in their computer and full-screen a command.com session, then type the following:

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Flat screen application administration

Submitted by: Lampstand_Iguana – Wed, 04/08/2009 – 14:48

Anyone have any suggestions?

My boss wants a couple of flat screens put up in the main office to have daily info and in-house applications displayed for all to see.

How would we set it up to administer what is shown? Through the server, from a local computer, from another login?

Sound like something you have done or seen somewhere?

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Teach them about security

Submitted by: MISSSYSADMIN – Mon, 03/30/2009 – 12:32

Users will never understand security is necessary. To them it is only a roadblock to progress.

Enter laptop user, we'll call her Miss X. Miss X puts in a call to the helpdesk-- "High Priority" : unable to log in to laptop!. Help desk knows her password and instructs her to make sure caps lock is off etc.

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The Magic Exchange Server Man

Submitted by: thefloogadooga – Tue, 03/24/2009 – 17:56

Microsoft Exchange server is... shall we say..... Strange, but this may make you think twice before going MS. About a year ago, when "The Boss" was setting up exchange, there were a few problems. Firstly, there were issues with accessing the admin tools. The rookie tech walks into the office and almost by magic, the exchange cp appeared!

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Please reboot your computer now sir

Submitted by: Benanov – Thu, 03/19/2009 – 15:06

A few months ago we had intermittent internet connectivity issues with our cable modem at home.

TL;DR: the modem was definitely failing. It was the adventure to arrive at that conclusion that matters.

Inevitably I'd call my cable provider (SWMBO always makes me do it; according to her I sound like I know what I'm talking about) and walk through a few steps.

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In-appropriate attachment

Submitted by: amit.mathur – Fri, 03/13/2009 – 01:25

In our office, we get a daily report regarding our performance. It is considered for appraisal and everybody needs to track that every day. Now it just happened that our manager got a new laptop with Windows Vista and Office 2007. All other users are using Windows XP with Office 2003. He created a report in Excel 2007 and sent it to all of us.

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Huge Office

Submitted by: amit.mathur – Wed, 03/04/2009 – 23:55

Once I was handling a foreign customer's technical support call and dozed to sleep since I was in night shift and had a heavy dinner. After two hours I woke up and found that the customer was still on line. When he asked me where I had gone, I told him that I went off to the lab to test some settings.

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