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Microsoft to offer browser choice in Windows 7 for EU

Microsoft has offered to provide a choice of Web browsers with its upcoming Windows 7 OS to ease the concerns of competition regulators in the European Union, the EU's competition authority confirmed Friday. Read more...
News analysis

Food fight! Palm and Apple out of sync!

Palm's decision to reenable syncing with iTunes puts the smartphone maker head-to-head with Apple. One expert says the issue could lead to a court battle, but other say that's unlikely and Apple could use other means if it considers the Pre a threat to the iPhone. Read more...
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
General Mills, Genentech, San Diego Gas & Electric, University of Pennsylvania and Monsanto top the list.
Reporters and privacy groups ignored former AT&T; communications technician Mark Klein when he tried to blow the whistle on the National Security Agency's wiretapping practices, he says.
These old-school online services may be shadows of their former selves, but they have a lot to teach today's online communities.
You skipped Vista for all the right reasons, but are you ready for 7? Here's what to do.
Office 2010 introduces a number of welcome features, particularly in Outlook and PowerPoint, but the Web version isn't ready.
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Daily out-takes from the Theater of the Absurd, IT-style, where the nasty meets the rumor, and the kernel of truth wins out. Real life IT in action. You'll laugh...but try not to cry at your desk. See today's Shark Tank.