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Security News
Beware the default router password!
It is the simplest of security precautions, but it is one that still is often not followed: Change your default router password to something else.
New surveys on small business security and success
Understanding small business is tough because there are so many of them and they vary so widely. But all small businesses share certain problems,...
Project Spring Cleaning 2009
Technology needs spring cleaning just like rugs and garages. The trick today is to focus on security and maintenance issues that get ignored during...
Propelling Deployment of Network Change WHITE PAPER
This whitepaper, produced by leading industry analysis firm Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), discusses the key attributes and best practices...
SMEs stick 'heads in sand' over security
Smaller and midsized businesses are cutting back on security due to the effects of the recession, even though most SMEs expect security threats to...
The three cornered Symantec yellow blanket
For some reason, Symantec's corporate yellow color always reminds me of a blanket. But unlike some companies that seem to plot global domination at...
Business size and NAC needs
As NAC matures, it is becoming clear that the needs of smaller businesses and those of enterprises call for different solutions.
Top 10 Threats to SME Data Security (and what to do about them) WHITE PAPER
For a no-nonsense perspective on the most common types of network and data compromises in small to medium sized businesses, read this white paper. It...
Upgrade, repair, replace, or limp along?
When money's tight, how do you keep things going and save money at the same time? I think you need a process to decide what to do with equipment that...
Obama inauguration guarded by high-def video system
The presidential inauguration event last month was guarded with an advanced video-surveillance system used by local and federal law enforcement to...
SMB Security: 5 Bright Ideas
Adam Hansen is that rare bird in the small to midsize business (SMB) realm: He is a CSO. Hansen heads up security for Sonnenschein, Nath and...
Unlock the Hidden IT Opportunities in Troubled Economic Times WHITE PAPER
IT executives are under intense pressure to cut costs, and that pressure is significantly increased by the current grim economic outlook. So, how...
Verizon service steps up analysis of security risks
Managed security services from Verizon Business get stronger risk-correlation capabilities
On botnets, encryption and mega-worms: Security predictions for 2009
My predictions for information security in 2009 are just predictions, not recommendations. I am trying to guess what will happen, not suggesting what...
Malware madness and spammers in the slammer: The year in cybercrime
How high-profile spammers and underground botnet economies have shaped cybercrime in 2008.