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IPv6 News
Google issues call to make the Web faster
Google Tuesday called on the Web development community to improve the speed of Web pages, posted its own list of performance best practices, and...
Comcast lengthens IPv6 lead
Comcast continues to outpace rival U.S. cable companies in the development of next-generation Internet connectivity and content.
Feds: IPv6 is a priority
For the last year, it's been all quiet on the IPv6 front in the United States. But now the U.S. government is making noise about this next-generation...
aCelera/Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Evaluation: Global Media Company WHITE PAPER
In this whitepaper learn why Global Media Company has made a strategic decision to embrace a virtualization strategy and has made a significant...
IPv6 security guru fields questions
Scott Hogg, the coauthor of the Cisco-approved IPv6 Security guidebook, talks discusses how networks could be affected by IPv6 traffic without their...
Experts flag Internet's scalability problems
Recently, experts have turned up the volume on questions about the scalability of the Internet using the technologies and techniques of today.
Biggest mistake for IPv6: It's not backwards compatible, developers admit
The Internet engineering community says its biggest mistake in developing IPv6 - a long-anticipated upgrade to the Internet's main communications...
Think You Have An Application Delivery Strategy? WHITE PAPER
Develop an application delivery strategy that incorporates both traditional techniques for the private WAN and app delivery services that accelerate...
Pentagon scraps IPv6 testing program that provided enterprise guidance
The U.S. Defense Department is halting a five-year-old effort to test off-the-shelf network hardware and software products for compliance with IPv6,...
Nortel's bankruptcy: A long time coming
Nortel's demise -- punctuated by this week's bankruptcy protection filings -- started long before the accounting scandal of 2004 and the...
NTT details IPv6-powered TV service
NTT America shares details of IPv6-powered TV service with Network World in advance of its upcoming Consumer Electronics Show presentation.
Get the Computing Resources You Need with Minimal Investment WHITE PAPER
Ensure optimal application performance without costly data center enhancement. Learn how you can cut costs with managed application delivery services.
AT&T; builds $23M IPv6 network for U.S. military
AT&T; is building a production-quality IPv6 data network for the U.S. Army in Germany that will cost approximately $23 million when it is completed...
Internet architecture: Not logical, captain!
Last week I recapped the results of some recent work I've done with my colleagues modeling Internet performance.
Migrating to cloud computing? Don't forget DNS
Before you mothball your data center and start using servers distributed across the 'Net, you need to rethink your DNS infrastructure.
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